WGOM Fitness: 11 November 2012, Weekly Roundup

I am now about 3 1/2 months into this weight reduction program.

Last Sunday morning, I weighed in at 234.4. This morning, I weighed 233.0. I am also on the heavy scale, so my weight loss for the week is about 4 pounds, give or take a few ounces. That is a very good week, and I'm pretty close to being on track for reaching 200 pounds by about Christmas. After I return back to Minnesota on Wednesday, I'll be at home for two weeks straight, which means a consistent workout schedule.

I mentioned this week that my brother was coming back from California. I'd seen him a few months ago and he looked pretty good, but if you recall, he'd been nursing some bad feet. Last night, he came over to Mom and Dad's and he really looked trim. He's dropped 25 pounds and he wants to get to 200 pounds (he's at 225). So, we are heading to the same goal and we are pretty close in weight. He's a lot more muscular than I am (and he's about 4 inches shorter), so at 200, he will be svelte. I gave him my diet and I'm thinking that by Christmas, we'll both be down by the tenth of a ton mark.

One thing that I have been thinking about lately is vitamin supplements. I do not take any supplements. I'm not sold on the idea that they are all that effective, because I'm somewhat doubtful on the body's capability of absorbing them. Having said that, I recognize that there is probably some benefit. Anyone out there have any ideas about vitamins and their benefits?

Day 110
Weight: 233.0
Total Lost: 51.5
Percent of goal achieved: 60.95%

5 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: 11 November 2012, Weekly Roundup”

  1. I take the following each day:
    - Atorvastatin (for lowering my cholesterol, which scientifically works for me, numbers show it)
    - 81 Mg (enteric coated) aspirin - no personal data but read that a scientific study proved that it reduces heart risks
    - Fish oil pills (kind from Trader Joe's has least fish taste burp afterwards) - no personal data on this, again scientific study...

    Dr. Fear agrees with/encourages this regimen.

    I also take a Men's multivitamin - not sure of the benefit but seemed like the right thing to do. But god there is a bad taste with these horse pills - I tried switching to a new brand (Whole Foods version) last week - alas, same blech taste/still hard to swallow.

  2. I recently started taking Osteo Bi-Flex, which my wife had been taking. I think it helps, but it's hard to tell. With some of these things, if you're convinced they'll make you feel better, then they do, at least for a while, whether they're actually doing anything or not.

  3. I also do the men's multivitamin and fish oil.* No idea if they work, but it reminds me of that argument about whether God exists. It doesn't hurt me to believe that he does, live accordingly and die - only to find out that what we have here is all there is. But if I'm a total pr*ck and live my life as though there is no God, die and find out that he does exist...well then I'm pretty much SOL.

    *I store the fish oil pills in my freezer. Frozen seems to combat the fish-taste burps quite effectively.

  4. I take a multi as cheap insurance. The research evidence is mixed -- we are mostly peeing it away. Intellectually, I suspect that I am wasting my money. But it makes me feel virtuous for just a moment or two, and I've conditioned myself to feel bad if I miss a day.

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