WGOM Fitness: 11 December 2012, Aftermath

It's not an exaggeration to say that I really suffered yesterday. My quads, hamstrings, glutes, biceps, triceps, deltoids, pectorals all hurt. But, the good thing is that all of these muscles got worked out and the hurt was not of an OMG I pulled something variety, but just an I worked these muscles out hard variety. I'm still sore today, but I'm recovering, so that's good. I won't be able to take this class again for what will be two weeks, but in the mean time, I will work out and maybe try to add some stretching.

Last night, I went to the gym and rode the bike. I decided what I should do is a long easy ride to try and work my leg muscles (they were the worst) but not overdo it. I put the bike on a manual setting and rode for 45 minutes plus a five minute cool down. I burned 572 calories, which seems like a lot and afterwards, I hit the sauna and I didn't feel too bad. All in all, I'm happy with the way these last couple of days went. I knew I would have some soreness, I just wasn't prepared for this. I've been saying that the weight loss was step one of this program and that there was a lot to do after that. I believed that in the abstract, but this really drove it home for me.

One more thing: I've been really thinking about this diet. As I shift toward more body building, if you will, I have decided to add more protein. Instead of a two piece of bread and couple ounces of turkey sandwich, I've been losing one of the pieces of bread and adding some more turkey (and more vegetables). I certainly do not want to go to a ridiculously low number of carborhydrates (and I do eat a lot of fruit), but bread isn't really where I want to spend those calories. I'd rather get fat from almonds than shortening (via bread) and carbohydrates from fruits. I still eat a couple of pieces of bread a day, too. The point that I was going to make, though, is this: I'm not really ready to add, say, 500 calories a day just yet. I've gotten pretty comfortable with 1800 calories. I can see my first step being an increase to 2000 calories, and see if that is sufficient to fuel workouts and the like.

Day 140
Weight: 221.4
Total Loss: 63.1
BMI: 27.30

5 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: 11 December 2012, Aftermath”

  1. I'm sicker than I was yesterday. My temp is hovering around 100F, which is pretty high for me since I'm usually around 97.5. I'm not going to be able to hit the gym for a few more days, and now I'm sorta worried about what weight I'm gonna lose.

  2. I had a depressing appointment with the surgeon yesterday. He started the conversation with "I have bad news and bad news." Awesome.

    Bottom line: I have a right shoulder that is a lot older than it should be for a 49-year-old. I guess that's what several years of youth baseball pitching, 7 years of shotputting and throwing the discus, five years of football and a lot of heavy weightlifting can do for a guy.

    1. I went to Dr. Fear on Tuesday. He mentioned a marked change in low-white-blood count since the last blood work.

      So I went (again) to Quest Diagnostics to get another draw.

      Numbers came in and Dr. Fear's people called to say that my white blood count was back to normal (4.0).

      WTF. I don't think things hemoglobular vary with the tides/phases of the moon - certainly my diet has not changed markedly.

      I think the centrifuges at Q.D. need Robert Irvine (Restaurant Impossible) to proscribe a power-washing.

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