WGOM Fitness: 2 January 2013, Restarting

It's a New Year, and that means a new set of goals at work as part of our processes. Guess what? I also have goals for 2013 on the Fitness end.

Well, not actually new as I've already talked about them here before. But, the beginning of a new year is as good of a time as any to get going. The weather is craptasticly cold, so there's a lot of temptation to sit on the couch under a blanket, but a little exertion might be a better idea.

My original goal, of course, was to lose 85 pounds. As I near the goal, I can see that my body fat percentage is still higher than I'd like it to be. I mentioned that I want to get down to 40 pounds of body fat, but in order to do that, I think I'm going to have to get my total weight down to about 190. That means I still have almost 25 pounds to go.

Yesterday, I went down into the basement and dug through some old clothes. I have a bunch of blue jeans, shirts, and sweaters that used to fit me and now do again. Plus, there are two pairs of jeans that are still too small, but will fit in about a month. I also found a couple pair of dress slacks, but I'm afraid that my wife donated the dozen or so pants that I had before. Oy vey.

I am in the second half of a twenty day stretch at home. My goal was to work out on 19 of those days (all but Christmas Day) and I am still on track. Today is a simply strength day. I am a little run down from lack of sleep the last two nights, but by noon I should be ready to go. Yesterday's workout was a 90 minute endurance ride that was so hard that I was wiped out for most of the rest of the day. It's possible that I overdid it a little, but I'm not sore and didn't hurt myself or anything, I'm just tired. Better that than overdoing it in ways that result in a hangover.

Five months ago, I was Terry Forster. Now, I'm able to interval train on a bike for 90 minutes. You can do it, too. Start today.

Day 162
Weight: 214.1
Total Loss: 70.4
Percent of Body Weight Lost: 24.75