WGOM Fitness, 25 April 2013: Taking it on the Road

I'm back in my undisclosed location, spouting off about fitness.

If you remember, the three components of fitness that were discussed in that chart I linked to earlier this week were diet, exercise, and sleep. Tuesday night/Wednesday morning was a great sleep event for me. I logged a solid nine hours and boy, did I need it. Last night was more like six, but I did get up at 3:30 AM for my drive this morning.

Yesterday, I did a pretty good job on the diet, with the only "slip up" being a piece of birthday cake. The rule is, though, that when your daughter has a birthday, you are allowed to eat cake. I think I was probably right at about 2000 calories. I did not feel hungry or tempted to eat more at all, which was good. I weighed in at 217.3 this morning, up another 0.2 pounds, but then again, I weighed four hours earlier than the day before. All of which is to say that I thought yesterday was a good day and I will be happy if I can have a few good days in a row to stabilize my weight after a pretty steady climb the last two or three weeks.

Tonight, I probably won't exercise, but I'll trade that for some rest.