43 thoughts on “August 19, 2013: Monsoons”

  1. Lucy and Miss SBG now back in Minnesota. It was great having them here in ND this weekend. The fishing could have been (a lot) better, but we had a good time nonetheless.

  2. If you are friends with the Chuckster on facebook, my brother had an epic conversation with him on his facebook page. Apparently, my brother does not realize that facebook is a public forum.

    1. Lots of people don't seem to realize that. People put lots of things on facebook that they would never tell their pastor.

    2. Funny that Chuck didn't seem too concerned about your brother's responses/comments - perhaps he just thought your brother was a public guy?

  3. You guys may or may not have read that AOL was closing down about 50% of all Patch sites throughout the nation. The CEO of AOL announced this on the 9th, then made everyone stew for a week before announcing who. My wife was one of those cut, not due to her own performance, but the viability of the news site for the city she lives in. In a fun twist, they're keeping her on for sixty days (probably because the advertisers have paid until then)and then giving her a severance package that'll give her paychecks until the end of the year. (Note: Not that I imagine anyone would do so, but please don't tell other people about sites that are closing. My wife could lose her severance package if word gets out her site is closing).

    It was a weird day. My wife hates her job and it sucks the life out of her, so we were both kind of glad she was laid off. But it allowed her to work from home and be with our son. We looked at our savings and we could probably go another six months or so without her working. It would give her time to be with our son full-time and also work on some personal things. But if we intentionally wait that long, she may have trouble finding something and we wouldn't be able to get unemployment while she's off.

      1. There's always the option of her working evenings or weekends, but that obviously has its own drawbacks.

        1. As someone who has worked nights, weekends and now evening shifts the entire time I've had kids, yeah, it has drawbacks. My wife dislikes the hours more than I do, but depending on the employer/supervisor and how flexible the schedule is, it can be bearable.

          Hopefully she can find something that works schedule-wise that doesn't suck.

    1. Bummer to hear, but the severance is nice. The single income thing sorry of dicks, but having my wife at home with the kids will, i think, pay off for them.

    2. Sorry to hear about the loss of job, but excited for the potential silver linings, and best wishes coming your way for those.

  4. Unexpectedly was in the homeland last week. Sorry about the Wed game post, but it was nice to be back in Fargo, Cooperstown, Medina, Jamestown, and Jud.

    I haven't been back in ND during summer since maybe 2009. I forget sometimes how great the wheat and barley look in August. Sometimes being back makes me more homesick than being on the east coast.

    1. Amber waves of grain!

      I was out at my grandparents' farmstead yesterday. The house is long gone, but yard is still there and my grandfather's apple trees are loaded with fruit. I had a couple of them yesterday afternoon, thought about the times out there when I was a kid. For a moment, I was ten years old again. But, the four foot pine tree in the front yard is now thirty plus feet tall and I've got gray hair.

  5. I was awakened this morning by thunder and lightning. Haven't had that experience in quite some time. Minnesotans would have considered the storm very tame, but that was the most thunder and lightning I remember experiencing here.

    1. It was overcast and muggy here this morning. Forecast high of 101, to go with 100+ yesterday, but the humidity...takes me right back home again to the Midwest. Ugh.

    1. I can't read the rest of the article, but ending with, "because this time around, Jeter appears to hold significant leverage." is a bold statement. I didn't think a player with so far five games played in the year could hold any leverage.

  6. FSN did not show the Twins game tonight, but ARE showing New Britain game tonight.


  7. Today was one of those days that makes me question the world we live in.

    On the upside, I harvested 10 cups of basil from our garden last night, and a ratatouille is in the oven (and smelling fantastic) right now, so good food awaits!

  8. mmmm, ratatouille. I love ratatouille. Unfortunately, the Mrs regards the texture of eggplant as abominable, so I am not allowed to serve it.

    1. Tonight's version is fairly light on eggplant, and heavy on zucchini and squash. That's the beauty of ratatouille - whatever we get from the CSA around this time of year tends to work well.

  9. Chix Soup tonite:

    Chicken breast cut into small chunks
    Organic chicken broth
    Chopped carrots
    Pasta hats

    1. Must have been something in the air... Dr. Chop and I made green chili stew. Chicken legs and thighs boiled, shredded, bones added back to make quick stock, green chili, onion, potato (golds), garlic, touch of red chili powder, touch of cumin, salt, pepper, and topped with a bit of vermont cheddar, a dab of sour cream, and a baked corn tortilla. The green chili was a wee bit hotter than expected.

      1. stale tortillas chips with mango-peach salsa. Mrs was with The Girl at a piano lesson. get your driver's license already!

  10. pretty cool YouTube clip. NASA retired the GOES-12 satellite and complied 10 years of weather


      1. Im having a problem with FireFox where the space for a YouTube video is blank. I found out that I have to switch some sort of setting, it located left of the Address bar (a shield looking icon) But, I had no idea how to make the change from 'blocking content' to not blocking content permanent.

        1. Starting with Firefox 23, mixed content blocking has been enabled. That means when using the https version of the WGOM (which is good!), accessing certain content over a plain http will be automatically be blocked. The YouTube plugin doesn't support automatic http/https selection, so it uses just http and gets blocked.

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