Black Friday Music Day

While the rest of you are with friends and family celebrating, some of us irregular internet columnists are working hard to open our Friday columns early on Thursday evening with great deals on random tens. If you submit your random ten between when this column opens and 10pm CST, you get a second bonus random ten* -- at no cost -- just come back on Friday after 7am to redeem it.

Now that's something to be thankful for!

* SelectShow

3 thoughts on “Black Friday Music Day”

  1. I picked up a rec for a Finnish band Kairon; IRSE! the other day. It's pretty good - sort of a mix of shoegaze, post-rock, and dream pop, but louder than that description sounds.

  2. So no one came in for the free random ten?
    I got off the internet at about 11 am on Thursday, and I'm just back on now, so I can't blame anyone.
    I actually did a little bit of Black Friday shopping in NU yesterday. I bought... shoe laces at Runnings (waxed*, black). Also, beer at the Liquor Mart.
    My mom wanted me with to give her advice on Christmas presents for the kids, so I obliged.

    *after so many years of replacement laces that never stay tied as well as the originals that came with the shoes, why haven't I tried waxed before?

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