April 10, 2016: Party Like it’s…1996 Or So

I'm spending two days with just my brother and my dad for the first time in probably twenty years. I miss the hell out of my wife and daughters, but this is pretty great, right here.

19 thoughts on “April 10, 2016: Party Like it’s…1996 Or So”

    1. Television in the UK is basically chasing down anybody who bet on Leicester City at the beginning of the season when they were 5000 to 1.

      Randomly picking Leicester City on the internet seems at least worth an article.

    1. I've watched that clip at least 20 times, and I am still astounded that it actually works.

  1. Duh. It's obvious they launched from that platform and then just played the video in reverse. Greatest space hoax since the "moon landing."

    1. Yuck. The in-laws went to that same festival yesterday. Glad they had a safer ride home.

      1. I don't know what to think about this murder. Tragedies that befall celebrities will always bring greater community response, but this incident may be a tipping point. We went to a crawfish boil today, and this story was the main focus of conversation. I feel like it's almost too much for this city to bear. The senseless violence has to stop, and if something like this can't wake this city up I don't know what will.

    2. By the way, something similar happened on Hennepin by the Walker this week, but the victim survived so it's not just NOLA-centric.

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