Peace, Love, and Understanding

I ask myself
Is all hope lost?
Is there only pain and hatred, and misery?

And each time I feel like this inside,
There's one thing I wanna know:
What's so funny 'bout peace, lube & understanding? Ohhhh
What's so funny 'bout peace, lube & understanding?

31 thoughts on “Peace, Love, and Understanding”

  1. Summer lubing had me a blast
    Summer lubing happened so fast
    I met a girl crazy for me
    Met a boy cute as can be
    Summer days drifting away to oh oh the summer nights

      1. The zombie apocalypse has happened, but not the way the Walking Dead said it would.

        Also, this shit is certainly the opiate of the masses. So much is happening right now, and the majority of us are focused on our fucking phones for one reason or another.

      1. I know you're lightening the mood, but I'm in a mood to rant. This shit has got to stop. The cops here aren't capable of protect and serve because bobby fucking jindal pillaged the state's money, and because, you know, racism. The murdering of police officers isn't even understandable in any sense of the word, but it's a response for sure. The coming crack down will be sever, and the response will likely involve more violence. This cycle will scar the community for decades. Man, I'm in a really upset mood about this.

        1. From what I've read I wonder if the shooter suffered from schizophrenia. Of course, people with that disease are less violent than the general population. Still, it would be nice if he couldn't have got his hands on an assault rifle.

          1. Technically, I believe you're referring to an assault weapon, since (a) assault rifles are automatic machine-gun style guns that are illegal for any civilian to own and (b) CNN reported the cop killer in Baton Rouge had a very common AR-15 style semiautomatic assault weapon despite the first call to police reportedly saying a guy was walking around with an "assault rifle." But yes, if the guy was mentally unstable, he shouldn't have a gun of any kind.

            1. Technically, these weapons are referred to as "assault-style" weapons...because they are explicitly modeled after the fully automatic, assault rifles developed for military use.

              'Spoiler' SelectShow
  2. Tried a Ballast Point Thai Chili Wahoo tonight, which the label called a "Wit beer with Thai chili, lime, & natural ginger flavors." It was....... not good.

    1. I have yet to understand why anyone thought putting chile in beer would be a good idea. And I love chiles. And beer.

      1. The problem is usually that the beer is so weakly flavored that it just tastes like chili, not chili beer. I'm kind of a sucker for trying them, even though I have yet to find one that I've ever been compelled to try again.

        1. Mike & bS - I would recommend this. I'd say their description is accurate:

          A unique hot pepper lager infused with 5 types of New Mexico Hatch Chiles, habanero, and Serrano chilies. This is a very flavorful beer with nice pepper aromas and a malty background.

          1. Of all beer styles, lager is perhaps my least favorite. Add in some chile stuff...I dunno. I'd probably try it, but my expectations would be low.

            1. The best pepper I've had was a pilsner. I don't remember what peppers were used, but there were three of them. The only other one I've really had was Space Ghost. The hugeness of the stout made it a lot easier to deal with the ghost peppers, but one bomber was too much for one guy.

              1. I gotta confess that seeing this conversation in the sidebar is messing with my head just a bit.

              2. if you were to put chiles into something, maybe a chocolate stout or porter. Chocolate and chile work together, and with tons of dark malt, I could maybe get behind the chile concept. Pilsner or lager? No.

  3. Trey is getting ready for summer camp and he needs to be prepared for a day of wearing 80s theme clothes. Unforunately, we don't have any parachute pants.

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