44 thoughts on “August 22, 2016: Everyone Didn’t Die!”

  1. EPL Predictions are due this afternoon:

    Daneeka's Ghost
    Jeff A
    hungry joe
    Zee German

    1. OK, life intervened on my end. Y'all have till bed tonight. Anything not here or in the post when I wake up is out.

      Except maybe the Padre's, since I know scorelines haven't swayed his decision-making process.

  2. This past week has been a sad one back home; the daughter of two classmates of mine was engaged to Fargo Moorhead Redhawks pitcher Jake Laber, who died suddenly last week.

  3. Hey guess what? I loved the Wilco show on Saturday. I might have a "Wilco is the ultimate Dad Rock band/Wilco is unfairly maligned with the Dad Rock label" post in me.

    1. I caught a bit of it on the radio while I was driving on Saturday. What I heard sounded good--and between the music and the clouds and the sun just starting to set behind downtown, it all came together wonderfully.

  4. The wife just informed me that she was picked for her department's recognition program which includes a trip to San Antonio next month. We think spouses can attend on their own dime, in which case there are lot of $320 round trip fares out there. Fingers are crossed, making it difficult to type.

      1. I can second that. I didn't get to see a whole lot of it when I was there, but I liked the downtown area.

        1. And you can get a pat o'brian's hurricane on the river walk. A little bit of the quarter deep in the heart of Texas.

      2. I would have liked to have seen a little more of SA while I was down there. I only really made it down for an afternoon.

  5. I've heard more shitty mid-90's alternative today than I did in the 90's. Houston seems to be about twenty years behind everyone else.

  6. Tyler Wells throws a fourteen-strikeout, seven-inning one-hitter in the first game of a doubleheader for Elizabethton tonight.

        1. I've never heard of the guy and he went to college literally 2 miles away from my house, which should tell you how much attention I pay to Cal State San Bernardino sports.

  7. Are there citizens in Alexandria, MN? Going to spend a couple days there next week.
    Might could use recommendations of things to do/eat there.

  8. cheap-

    You ever make any beers with pomegranate in them? I've been on a big dried pomegranate fruit chews kick lately, and I'm loving the flavor.

    1. I've never done pomegranate. I've really only used fruit for one beer, making a porter using dates, although I put them in before fermentation so any flavor they added was slight.

      1. As a minority owner in the Cheap Brewery*, I cast my vote in this direction.

        **For real dude, I'll invest.

        1. I'm going to make something this weekend, perhaps I'll investigate the pomegranate. Mostly is just have to figure the best style to make for it.

      1. I haven't gone far outside of making raw kombucha. I've done raspberries and watermelon, but other than fruit, the craziest I got was half green and half black tea.

        1. No second fermentation? And I usually mix some variation of green and black tea. I have big boxes of both, but they come in 10 packs, and I only do 8 per batch. As such, I'll brew a straight 8, then 2 with 6 from the color, then 4 and 4, and so on.

          1. When I did the two fruit batches, I added the fruit when I added the tea bags. I figure, since I'm a beer brewer, that heat promotes better flavor/sugar extraction.

            I get a big box of black tea bags for like, $2.20 that has something like 100 bags in it, so I typically just make straight black batches. I stole four bags of green tea from work when I did that mixed batch. I want to try a fully green batch soon just to wee what that is like.

              1. I bottle mine in two bottles and a growler. The two bottles are a grolsch bottle and the nessallla bottle I started my SCOBY with. I drink the two bottles first during the week to limit the likelihood of explosions.

                1. I may need to upgrade my operations. I ferment first in a large gallon jar, then I transfer to various bottles (a growler and assorted reused kombucha bottles (yeah, old Grolsch bottles work great)) for the 2nd fermentation.

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