24 thoughts on “March 1, 2018: Okay, New Post”

  1. Weight-loss update: I am now at 175 pounds, down twenty-eight pounds from Peak Jeff. The rate of weight loss has slowed tremendously, and I suspect is about done. Possibly this summer, when I may have time to get more exercise, it will go down more, or possibly not. Still, if this is where I end up, I'm quite satisfied.

      1. Low-carb diet. Cut out potatoes, corn, and deserts. Cut way back on bread, fruit juice, and milk. Eat mostly meat, cheese, green vegetables, some fruits (mainly melons and berries). It's the second time I've done it, and it's worked both times. This time, though, I intend to stick with it even now that the weight-loss seems to be done.

  2. It seems like I have to bring this up too often, but a good friend is going through a suicidal patch, and unfortunately I'm more worried about the reality of this one than most any other. It's an occupational hazard that you'll know a lot of depressed folks when you run in creative circles, but god, it just never gets any easier.

    1. You and your friend are in our prayers. I wish there was something more tangible I could do.

      1. "in hopes of signing with a playoff contender...."

        uh, umm, seriously? Does he think he has something to offer the Cavs or Celtics? I mean, you can't get minutes with a bottom-half-of-the-bracket club, why would you think you can get minutes with a top-half one?

      2. Technically, he's going to a playoff team

  3. Listening to a webcast of a corporate presentation and the speaker was trying to use a baseball small ball analogy for banking. He asked a member of the audience to briefly explain what it was and then he asked the guy if it was a winning strategy. "Doesn't appear to be." Analytics FTW! The speaker quickly changed to a golf analogy using "drive for show, putt for dough."

        1. everything about that 4th quarter was awful. They could not hit a shot or get a stop.

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