20 thoughts on “September 12, 2020: Dystopia”

  1. Kenta Maeda has pitched why better than I expected him to pitch. I thought he would be a Carl Pavano type guy (as a Twin, Pavano was better than you remember) who got you innings but gave up hits. Maeda has been pitching more like a right handed Johan Santana

      1. heh, so i was going to sleep pretty late last night and doing a quick, very pointless stroll of the tweeter* beforehand. as i was doing so, i saw a post with that picture and kinda realized, wait, i don't have a CoC. that was crazy so i quickly used it as a topic and pic. i thought, eh, this site is pretty half baked. no one will point out the third (guessing?) time a CoC didn't include something coffee related.

        welp. heh, and yeah, CT, that was my justification.

        (*by the way, besides the gardy factor, i use that term as they don't need any SEO help).

    1. Agreed! I saw the one that included something like "getting together remotely" for the first time yesterday, and that was pretty sweet, too.

    1. Its the third time this season he has been involved in some sort of mild dust up this season. Not saying he should be suspended but can see why MLB did it.

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