46 thoughts on “August 23, 2021: More Coffee Please”

    1. The Boy has a Chemex. The Mrs, upon learning it is a pour-over system, mocked him, saying her Mr. Coffee is the same thing.

      I sat quietly, smugly contemplating my cold brew made in a French Press.

      1. I've contemplated trying something new (Aeropress, Chemex, etc.) but just question if it's worth the investment for me. I currently go the cold brew in a French Press method, and have a Moka pot if I want something closer to espresso.

        Is there a noticeable improvement with the hipper options?

        1. I went from a regular old drip brewer to k-cup to Aeropress, and there is definitely a difference there. I haven't tested a cold brew french press against it, though.

          1. The toddy method does produce pretty stellar coffee. Akin to the French press cold brew method, but on a larger scale. I buy a pound ish of beans and make 7 cups of concentrate which is great warmed up or over ice. It’s a bit expensive for a plastic bucket with a hole in the bottom, but it’s served me well for 5 years.

            1. I stopped using the toddy after 3-4 times. I pour the cold brew off the french press into the toddy carafe so I can start the next batch before the current one runs out. With the kids at home, drinking my coffee, that is now daily instead of every 3 days.

              1. Though I'm the only coffee drinker in the house, storage of brewed coffee has never really been a concern for me. A daily cold brew is just about right for me.

                I've looked at the Toddy, too, but also questioned how much of a difference it would make over the French press. I also have concerns that I will start adding less and less water, and end up taking in a LOT more caffeine than even what I do now.

    2. I’ve been refining my AeroPress technique for years, and I think I finally dialed it in about three months into quarantine. I get a kilo of coffee shipped to me every four weeks, delivered the day after it’s roasted, from these guys. A 1kg ration means I drink one AeroPress’d coffee (ratio 1:6) per weekday, and two French press’d coffees (1:10) on weekend days.

      1. I recently weaned myself off my morning/afternoon cups. I haven't really noticed an energy or other difference through the day. Maybe waking up a little easier, whatever that could mean. But we're still in pandemic-fallout and some kid activity ridiculousness plus school start at the moment. So very little variable control to see if the reduction has made anything better/worse.

        1. I had effectively given up coffee for a couple weeks before vacation. Coming back to the real world has been so much harder than I anticipated, and I've been craving sugar, caffine, fat, salt, etc. Coffee with too much creamer scratches a good number of those itches.

    1. I never chide people about their preferences because I think tomatoes are the devil’s deuces. Not a popular opinion.

    2. You're far from alone! I've never been a coffee drinker. I loved green tea for years until the side effects of chemo made it taste terrible. My sense of taste is thankfully nearly back to normal but I haven't yet resumed drinking tea. Maybe when the weather gets a bit cooler?

      1. I tell people that I don't like coffee, but I do like having something to put cream and sugar in.

    3. I love coffee. However, I am down to only 1 or 2 cups in the morning versus 3-5 a few years ago. I usually follow that up with a bottle of Gatorade Zero and then the rest of the day is H2O until I possibly switch to adult beverages later in the evening.

  1. I broke down and bought a Handsome Fredward yesterday. I got the last frame they have in my size in stock for the next 2 months. Owner of the shop told me that his frame suppliers have doubled their turnaround time from 6 months to a year. I feel fortunate about getting a bike in the next two weeks...

    1. The absurd (but very good!) demand for bikes right now makes me very happy I decided to refurbish mine instead of buying a new one.

  2. Being out of the office has drastically cut down my coffee intake. I’m not sure what if any difference it has made as I never felt it affected me all that much. We’ll do a Chemex every now and then, but not much at home.

    1. Yeah, even though I've been full time at the office for most of the pandemic we had our coffee service shut down until two weeks ago. I'd forgotten how bad the office coffee was..... I'm down to basically one cup in the morning which I sometimes don't finish. Two years ago I was drinking 4-5 cups a day.

      1. I used to drink anything put in front of me, but I've gotten to where I just can't handle bad coffee. I don't even do well with hot coffee anymore, really. Just about any hot drink just makes me feel off. So, cold brew over ice for me.

        1. Quite the opposite here. I don't enjoy cold coffee, give it to me hot regardless of the temps outside.

        2. my latest thing has been making "Thai iced tea" at home. I toast a handful of spices (star anise, green cardamom, cloves, allspice), let them cool and then coarsely grind. Then I throw that into a quart measuring cup with a dash of ground cinnamon and five teabags and steep in boiling-hot water for 15-20 minutes. I then extract the teabags, dissolve about 3 tbsp of sugar, add a teaspoon of vanilla and, if I am feeling frisky, a teaspoon of tamarind syrup, stir, strain and refrigerate. I then add half-n-half by the serving, over ice.

          It's not as rich nor as sweet (nor as orange!) as you get in decent Thai restaurants, but it's close.

      1. I am disappointed I didn't think of this earlier. It extends well to Newestbish too.


    1. Congrats buddy! You can drop off my cigar anytime it works for you! So happy it all went well!

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