11 thoughts on “October 29, 2022: Minneapolis Lakers”

  1. Oh my God. I knew something was amiss about a week ago after heavy rains here in H'istan. There was something in the air in one of the basement rooms, but not all of them.

    I could still see that there was water on the floor in this one room, and this after de-humidifier and fans going around the clock. The smell was indescribably noxious, somewhere between NYC Sewer smells, and, well, that sums it up nicely.

    This morning I went to Deposito de Casa and bought a large bucket, a squeeze mop, a largish container of Pine-Sol, and a spray can of air-freshener (Summer Breeze or suchat).

    I applied the air-freshener spray liberally, but hours later the stench had only gained in nasal velocity. I knew that there was something brewing down there.

    After the Nittany Lions had scored over the Buckeyes, I got NBBW to join me in the quest. You won't believe what we discovered...

    Being a road-bike snooty, I had a Zipps bag for storing my training wheels (thankfully the Zipps were on the Cervélo in the garage).

    Somehow/someway, the Zipps wheel bag had become completely full of water, and the decomposition of whatever was in there had brewed up to a 41.1 on the stinkage scale. (the finest French cheeses only get to around 13.6).

    I unzipped the wheelbase bag barely and a bunch of nasty water came flowing out, to the screams of NBBW. This bag was totally full of nasty rain-water from the window-well above it.

    What to do? She got the shop vac and got the refuse sucked up from the floor, but it was too difficult to suck the liquid directly from the wheel-bag.

    We got a pitcher, and started scooping the liquid and transferring it to our wash-tub. That took a while, but finally we were able to lift the wheel bag and transport it up the coal-stairs to outside, where it sits now pondering it's fate.

    Five rounds of mopping with Pine-Sol water seemed to get purchase on the smell. I'll need to do more later. What a miasma!

  2. Looks like Manfred Man is here to stay 🙁

    1. Unfortunately, he's probably right, at least mostly. I don't know if the fans like it (this one doesn't, but I'm sure there are some who do). I suspect, though, that the teams like it, because they don't have to worry about blowing through the pitching staff in a long game. And the media loves it because they can get home (or to the bar) earlier.

  3. If you're still up and have the Peacock sports package, put on the USA-Canada rugby match. Great stuff headed towards the half

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