33 thoughts on “February 14, 2023: The WGOM Is For Lovers”

  1. The jalapeno begged me to take him to Walgreens last night so he could buy his girlfriend (!) a package of mini-Three Musketeers and a rose. I talked him out of getting any sort of flower that requires a vase and water, given the logistical challenges in bringing that to middle school, so he got something called a "preserved rose." It's so interesting to me how kids his age seem drawn to the most cliché gestures.

    1. Girlfriend! Now you really gotta start checking his phone... 😉

      Actually, a little curious about this: it doesn't seem like there are a lot of "official" bf/gf combos in the school here, like there were at my schools growing up. I'm wondering if this is a function of the times (kids don't date in the same way anymore?) or location (lots of people are related to each other in small towns) or something else? Does the bf/gf thing seem common in the middle school/high school levels up there?

        1. I mean... I might know of a few married couples who are just barely distant enough so as to be legal...

      1. I've been surprised that at the jalapeno's middle school, the kids talk about "dating" and official couples. The biggest difference I've noticed (as compared to my youth) is that the girls seem to be the ones asking the boys out. The other week his friend took his girlfriend "on a date," which involved walking together to Culvers and buying food. I don't have a clue about how this all works at the high school level, though!

        1. Seems more casual to me. Relationships seem to happen so organically that both parties just realize they’re in a relationship with nobody actually saying the words. I kind of dig it, actually. I hated putting myself on the line (my success rate was high, but that’s solely because if I had ANY doubt I wouldn’t even consider asking the question. And still once I was burned badly).

          1. My one good relationship in high school was like that; we were friends and we organically fell for each other at the same time. Every other attempt before and after for the next 8 years was just full of dread and heartache and awkwardness

  2. Very little to report on Valentine’s Day in my house. I’ve got the same one I’ve had since 2002 while Skim is in her fourth year(!) with Rowan, eclipsing by far the length of every romantic relationship I ever had other than the current one.

    Sour Cream told me a couple of years ago she’s aromantic and has had no romantic feelings for anyone since about second grade, which could not have been less of a surprise to me as she has close male friends who clearly like her and she absolutely dreads them asking her out, which they invariably do. For two days she’s been explaining to me how a recent guy friend has been talking to her in the lead-up to today, and I confirmed that he most definitely is steeling the courage to ask her out. She just dreads it. It’s hilarious.

  3. Not romantic, but still pretty cool…wife was out last night so I got to help the 10-yr old make her valentine’s “box” for school today. It was a mega-mock-Starbucks beverage she saw online some where. Coffee-filter whip, coffee-dyed string for drizzle, paper bag heat sleeve, shotgun photoshoped a logo, hot glue everywhere. She was super excited and that was really fun. I don’t get to do too much of the creative activities around the house - I can’t compete with all the crafters we have.

  4. This will be the 36th consecutive year that I've had the same Valentine. I can't speak for my wife, though.

  5. Also, it's the middle of February and raining - not snowing - in Minneapolis. I think Punxsutawney Phil might have been on drugs this year.

  6. Not sure where Mrs Runner and I go tonight to eat, but we'll definitely have a nice sunset walk on the beach. Wind's picked up a little bit, but Fernandina Beach is looking really tempting from my work laptop.

  7. It's missing lightning, but tonight's weird, blowing, February rain down here makes for some nice garage sittin'.

  8. Valentines Day, or in my house, another year spent eating left overs and watching a Law & Order marathon.

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