14 thoughts on “April 5, 2023: Fuzzy”

      1. Ditto. As someone observed, we didn't lose a half hour of baseball. We lost a half hour of people standing around not playing baseball.

        1. Exactly. This is just getting is back to what we used to have before baseball turned into golf.

        2. Somebody complained that they didn't mind the diddling around, baseball was meant to meander. I then asked him during its height of popularity in 50s and 60's baseball games lasted just about 2 hours or so. What is the difference now?

            1. So, what's the driver there? TV?

              For fun, I gathered and calculated the mean game length for World Series games in each of 1960 (2:40), 1970 (2:24) and 1980 (2:58).

              This sort of implies that it wasn't TV per se, although the networks may have gotten much more aggressive about monetizing the broadcasts by 1980. Maybe the DH rule??

              1. I think because they could. Stalling didn't hurt the staller and sometimes helped. Fast forward through decades of that slowly happening and nothing to push back and you get what we have now.

      1. Yeah, I like following the game on the radio while I work. But Saturday and Sunday I'll be watching the games while I work.

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