27 thoughts on “April 13, 2023: Speedy”

    1. On this day 7 years ago the Twins were 0-8, and we were complaining about them pinch hitting for Buxton. So yes to the winning.

  1. I secured 4 tickets to the hold steady. There is a likely chance I won’t be able to make it………….. last time I planned to come to the fair a pandemic broke out.

    In other words - there may be a couple tickets floating around come September.

  2. Aside: I got burned. After taking a major bath on Red Hot Chili Peppers tickets, I have sworn off early purchases unless I'm certain I'm going or very convinced that the concert will be an impossible ticket down the road. The Cure (which I didn't get tickets for) is a good example of the latter.

        1. Oh, no, that wasn’t directed at anyone here. Just sharing my experience. You’re right, orders of magnitude make a difference!

  3. Yesterday I pulled up the Heart Bones album on Tidal, then wondered why I hadn’t heard it, or any Har Mar Superstar, on the radio in some time. I have no idea how the news of his very bad behavior didn’t reach my ear until now. Argh

  4. I thought, “Hey, when are the Twins playing today? I’d like to watch.” Then I saw who and said, “Nevermind.”

    Maybe this is the year, though?

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