7 thoughts on “August 8, 2023: Reminder”

  1. Killebrew's teachings transcends teams.

    So today’s story from Cody Stavenhagen about the art of the autograph was particularly fascinating to me. Mike Trout learned to take the time to give a good autograph by Torii Hunter. Hunter says he learned it from Harmon Killebrew. Killebrew? Who knows (he passed away in 2011) but his rookie year was 1954. Not often you can trace a lesson that far back in so few degrees of separation.

    1. I won a ball autographed by Killebrew at a Twins game once. I don't know the total number he signed, but they gave away quite a few. The penmanship was flawless.

    2. Justice RBG just got seven or eight Peoria Chiefs to sign a baseball at the game in Beloit. Harmon would be proud of Nathan Church (and disappointed in almost everyone else).

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