20 thoughts on “September 29, 2023: O My”

  1. Good for them. I'm typically a fan of teams that haven't been there in a while, and the Orioles definitely meet that criteria. Plus, go Kyle Gibson!

    1. Somehow back in the day, my sister became an Orioles fan. No idea if she still is or not, but that's the association I have with them in my head

  2. I was riding my stationary bike earlier today when I heard a big "bang" from my neighbor's backyard.

    I found this. 🥺

    Anyone know what kind of hawk that is, besides "dead"?

    1. They had been finding a lot of pellets below the tree (a big redwood). We think there is a nest.

      So, assuming the bird ate a poisoned mouse or something. ☹️

    2. Usually easier to tell from the back rather than front. My current guesses are Cooper's or Sharp-shinned hawk.

      1. My first thought was Sharp-shinned, but the more I look the more I think Cooper's. The streaks seem more concentrated on the chest than belly, and the legs look shorter and fatter. I feel like I might be seeing a bit of a hood on the head too.

        I have a raptor ID book from AMR, I'll try to break it out later tonight to look closer.

          1. Seek from iNaturalist is also good (and free) for animals, insects, and plants

            (it says your rapter is from the genus Accipiters but can't narrow it down more than that)

          2. I find it to be good for narrowing things down, but not precise enough.

            For example, it told me this was most likely a Peregrine Falcon the first time (it's not), with Sharpie backup, and Coopers Hawk the 2nd time, with Sharpie backup again.

    3. So are we going to ignore that this happened on a day HJ selected a picture with birds in it for the header?

    1. I've not been more interested in the AL playoffs in a long time. It's amazing what no Yankees or Red Sox can accomplish.

  3. I hadn't realized that Terry Francona was born in Aberdeen, South Dakota. My first thought was that his dad must have been playing minor league ball there. His dad did play there, but that was in 1953, and Terry was born in 1959. I wonder if he married a girl from Aberdeen or something. I'm surprised our South Dakota media hasn't run stories about that.

    1. After a little googling, it turns out that yes, Tito's wife (Terry's mom) was from Aberdeen. Terry was born in April of 1959, while Tito was playing for Cleveland. It sounds like they lived there for a while, at least in the off-season. Maybe his mom went home to have some family support while Tito was playing ball.

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