December 18, 2023: “Do You Have a Flag?”

Some quick questions on your preferences for the final design of F1953:

What is your preference for the order of the stripes (from top to bottom)?

  • Blue, White, Green (44%, 4 Votes)
  • White, Blue, Green (33%, 3 Votes)
  • White, Green, Blue (11%, 1 Votes)
  • Green, White, Blue (11%, 1 Votes)
  • Green, Blue, White (0%, 0 Votes)
  • Blue, Green, White (0%, 0 Votes)

Total Voters: 9

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The navy shape on the left side

  • Asymmetrical/"Minnesota shape" (58%, 7 Votes)
  • Symmetrical (42%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 12

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(I don't have a strong enough preference on the star shape to break them all down. If someone wants do so in the comments, go for it.)

41 thoughts on “December 18, 2023: “Do You Have a Flag?””

  1. To be honest, if one has to be laid up for a few weeks, this is a good time of year to do it. Between the NFL, college bowl games, pro and college basketball and hockey, there's a lot to keep you occupied. I even watched some of the Arsenal - Birmingham match the other day. But it turns out that non-sports daytime TV is the proverbial great wasteland of programming. Dreck, dreck, and more dreck.

  2. Green, white, blue, since the trees are highest and snow settles on the blue water/ice. Also the white stripe pointing at the star seems cool to me.

  3. I like the blue sky, white snow and green earth (trees, fields, etc) and white pointing at the middle of the mn shape on the left. I would like asymmetrical, but feel like it pushes the star into an awkward position.
    For the star, I’d prefer one with different size/angle points … almost to mimic a compass star with longer or higher primary ‘directions’.

    1. I did agree on the star but later learned the current version looks like an M on every side. I don't know if that sways me to the M star but there's at least a solid reason.

      1. I saw a lot of talk about how this one has both (somehow) Dakota and Scandinavian relevance.
        I rather liked the original, but think I can handle the proposed modification. The rotunda star would have been cool by me, too.

    2. I do hope some of the variants with no green get quashed; the flag feels very cold in just whites and blues. The star design that emphasizes the M looks less natural and more like a throwing star.

      I'm trying to give the commission the benefit of the doubt, after how well the state seal kicks major butt.

      1. I don't dislike the whites and blues. I actually think it seems like a more iconic flag that way - blue, white, blue with 3 stripes is my favorite version.

            1. Brown? Corn??

              We're Lake Agissiz lake bottom, baby -- black soil. Polk County raises more wheat, soybeans, and sugar beets than any other MN county, but corn? Nah.

        1. I posted this one before, and I don't mind it actually (even though it reminds me of Pac-Man).

          Spoiler SelectShow

          If the right part is solid, then I don't mind the Minnesota shape on the left. If you're going with stripes though, then I prefer the symmetrical shape.

  4. In my continuing journey to see orthos for all of my joints this year, had my left knee examined this morning. MRI shows some arthritis, spurs, a small cyst, and possibly some small cartilage tears. Not enough to justify surgery at this point, given recent improvement.

    1. Yeah, keep the OEM knees as long as you can. Replacements don’t last long enough for young men like us.

      1. Dad just had his knee(s?) done at 70. He’s a trooper. Previously had ACL replacement in both. The man played hard.

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