February 1, 2024: Existential Dread

I don't know if anyone was following this whole Elmo thing on Twitter, but I think it's absolutely hilarious. That is one thing I love about the Tweeter: how one small, well meaning thing (or otherwise) can explode into a beehive of chaos. I'm not out there being crazy on Main so I'm not worried about becoming the Main Character, but it's just such an interesting phenomenon.

30 thoughts on “February 1, 2024: Existential Dread”

  1. Today's Google doodle is "Celebrating James Baldwin". He was really a pretty mediocre pitcher, but I guess it's nice to see a former Twin get honored.

  2. The weird thing about Twitter is the outrage. One dude posts about not wanting to see Taylor Swift at a football game and thousands share it to say what and idiot he is. In fact, they imply that lots of people are saying what he's saying.

    They put a megaphone up to those they are outraged by. I'm actually more annoyed by the people sharing his idiocy than his idiocy. I would have never known about him if it weren't for the ragers.

    1. I've seemingly curated my feed to avoid that. If there is outrage, it takes the form of clever dunking. That said, I don't wade too deep into comments and never touch the "For You" section.

      1. I've curated my Twitter feed by no longer having a Twitter feed. Its nice! So far the attitude surrounding all this on Bluesky, based on my feed there, has been to just point and laugh.

        1. Same. My life is calmer w/o the Twitts.

          Blue Sky is better, still, but vulnerable. I really don't need a lot of importation of "shitty thing on Xtwitter".

    2. Yes. I've seen far more people complaining about the complaints about Taylor Swift than I have people actually complaining about Taylor Swift.

        1. For me it's been about 50/50. But most of the 50 complaining about her are doing so in response to people complaining about the complaints, and they weren't complaining originally... So I think it's just circular at that point?

    1. Sorry bS, didn't refresh before I posted. I kinda thought someone would have beat me to the punch.

  3. !!!!!

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