17 thoughts on “March 12, 2024: KIR-Khing!”

  1. Last Monday, I had a follow up visit with my physician to figure out pain meds for my malady. I wanted to stop taking the anti-convulsant that worked well on the pain, but left me fatigued and not so clear headed. He prescribed an anti-depressant instead. Reading about the drug, it often takes a week or so to be effective on the pain. As a result, I decided to scrap taking meds altogether. Fortunately, the pain has FINALLY subsided this week. It has diminished to an annoyance. Great timing, as tomorrow we will be jumping on an airplane bound for Mexico.

    1. This year, and 2025, we will finally have an idea if Kwesi was a great hire or not. His first few years were untangling a salary cap mess left by the previous administration.

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