March 31, 2024: 0.0/10.0

So, I don't think I've ever done this without specifically putting my mind to it, but I believe I had my first emphatic Drainpour™. Sorry, Noon Whistle's Pickle Someone Your Own Size, but down you go.

(We should have probably all saw this coming, but it is what it is.)

14 thoughts on “March 31, 2024: 0.0/10.0”

      1. My experience has been about 50/50 with them. A teammate of mine loves them so he brings some back every time he heads up to Minnesota (I haven't seen any of them down here). My general distaste for the state of sours these days doesn't help. (can we please get back to more classicly wild fermented Flemish-type sours, please. These tart bombs are as bad as the hazy ipa craze.)

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