9 thoughts on “April 10, 2024: Bad Company”

  1. I had a great post last night that I've never had before, sections 101-102 outside the right field foul pole. From that vantage point I got to see the full glorious trajectory of Carlos Correa's dinger into section 234 above the bullpen. It was a no doubter all the way.

  2. Getting home from Southern Indiana on MOnday evening did not go well

    Well, it went OK for a bit when we went overland around Indy, but we rejoined the interstate too early. Got stuck on a stretch of I-74 where we went about 1mph for 3 hrs. So we got into Illinois about the time we'd planned to be leaving it.

    We got a room in the Quad Cities and stayed, got home last night.

      1. We took state highways to go around the Indianapolis metro, and got greedy. If we'd gone 3 or 4 more exits to get back on to the interstate, we might have made it

  3. Wild weather day for the gulf coast. Crazy thunderstorms, lots of flooding and a tornado hit Slidell. A colleague’s house narrowly escaped the path

  4. Getting a previously uninsured parent enrolled in coverage in Minnesota is way easier than I thought, and apparently medical assistance covers up to three months of past medical bills. So hopefully the five-figure-and-rising hospital bill isn’t financially devastating and the parent in question cannot be refused insurance coverage.

    I don’t understand why we insist on paying for healthcare or gating access to healthcare in the fashion we do in this country. Private companies making money on non-elective medical care is ghoulish and should be flat-out abolished. I guess I could see a world where private health insurance still exists to cover elective, non-restorative procedures like facelifts or hair plugs or some other cosmetic thing necessary to be a modern politician or media personality, but actual universal healthcare and universal long-term care for humans should be a public good provided by society for the wellbeing of all.

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