8 thoughts on “April 19, 2024: Fine Cuisine”

  1. Mrs Runner and I hit the road this afternoon to spend next week in Williamsburg, VA. Not sure what we'll see there, but we had a good deal on a condo for a week, so I'll move my work operations there and we'll use it as a base to check out the sites.

    1. Rhu - have fun!
      After we married (with a brief setup in Va. Beach) my wife and I lived in Williamsburg proper for about a year* and stayed in the area (Toano) for another 2 years before moving back to Minnesota.
      The usual sites, but still worth visiting - check out Jamestown Settlement, Colonial Williamsburg, Waller Mill Park, Yorktown Battlefield and anything open with the Colonial National Historical Park. I’ve heard good things about Amber Ox Public House, but haven’t been there. Same with Blue Talon Bistro. Green Leafe Cafe was enjoyable when I lived there, but it doesn’t appear to have maintained its reputation.
      *well, she did … I was deployed for much of that first year and 6-months of the 3rd year.

  2. Again, I have a free ticket I'll email to tonight's game if anyone wants to claim it.

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