All posts by hungry joe

Black Diet – Fever

Sorry, I get to feature these guys at least one time a year.

Friends of friends, I'm happy to see these guys amassing more momentum every day. Their new album just dropped a couple weeks ago, which reminds me that I need to get their new album.


2 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 102 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10 (2 votes, average: 8.00 out of 10)
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