thanks to the pirate for a great DJ week. he was so good, i forgot to put up a video today. here's a track from santigold's latest:
thanks to the pirate for a great DJ week. he was so good, i forgot to put up a video today. here's a track from santigold's latest:
i think this album has been discussed. pretty sweet if you haven't already picked it up.
the boy decided to start walking last night. just in time to storm the beaches, i guess.
the twins won. that's about all i know. apparently i can create posts from my new iPhone though, so i got that going for me. which is nice.
got to my hotel after midnight. good times. anyway, here's a track from original jacksonville native vic chesnutt. he was born here, but left pretty quickly. i hope to do the same.
i had NPR on today as the wife, the boy, and i were driving back from a day out, and after a particular errand, i caught the end of an interview with brian wilson and mike love. mr. wilson, when asked what the greatest album of all time was, responded with, "'sail away' by randy newman, though most others probably won't agree with me." i'd banged around the idea of picking up a randy newman album now and then, and that seemed as good an album as any. about midway through the second song, it occurred to me that i needed to put up a video. this track loosely connects that and other recent events.
i found 3 live clips from 3 different decades, and he started the song off with the same "fire hazard" line each time.
sorry i'm late. here's an old joe fave.
now that's how you end a twins game.
sorry, you guys. totally forgot about the recap. i must have thought it was a dream or something with capps (barely) shutting the door (here's proof if you don't believe me). the twins rallied from behind, tying the game on a ball that the mountie knocked the crap out of, and donut gave them the lead with a ball that was about 50 feet from being a home run. twins baseball!
i’m sticking with the “When will teh suck end” tag as i’m unconvinced, but this is an important first step.