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All posts by hungry joe
December 23, 2024: For The Rest Of Us
The floor is now open.
December 22, 2024: Moral Quandry
I was at a hotel and found a single dollar bill in the hallway. I was thinking for awhile if I should pick it up or not until I finally realized, oh wait, that actually is mine and it fell out when I took out my key card last time coming into the room.
Brewer & Shipley – Black Sky
December 21, 2024: Sister Winter
She's here! So long, Autumn!
December 20, 2024: Godspeed
I hope everyone gets to where they're going to safely.
Slim Dunlap – The Ballad Of The Opening Band / Chrome Lipstick
December 19, 2024: $63.59
Back when I used to work a register, every time this total came up, I was always hoping the customer would hand me a $100 because then the change would be $36.41, or one of every bill and every coin (this worked with $13.59 and a $50, but the $100 always seemed more likely to me). Never happened though...
December 18, 2024: Twelve Parsecs
My local bullseye branded store seems to have upgraded their carts. They have the standard push bar or what have you, but they also had these like side handles. It's hard to describe and I haven't seen them it before, but it does kind of feel like you're operating a gun turret on a rogue spaceship or something. I saw a few other dads operating from the side handles too.
December 17, 2024: Klatch
We got a fancy new single serve coffee machine at work (and don't worry, we also get the fancy recycling box for all the packages). It makes good coffee but it takes foreeeeeever to brew.