I have never been away from the WGOM for a whole week. Hopefully you all can point me to any awesome threads I missed. And, this may be really pretentious, but I thought I'd recap some highlights and lowlights of my trip. This was my first ever road trip, and aside from a flight to Yakima to see Spooky, I had never left the Midwest before. So the last week I was awash with a whole lotta new.
All posts by Beau
Pixel Perfect Memories: Yar’s Revenge
Release Date: 1981
Platform: Atari 2600, GameBoy Color
Developer: Atari
I grew up with Atari, which is to say it was the system we had until I was seven years old and the NES came out. Then we kind of stopped playing. And there's not really any games I go back and play anymore. I loved Pitfall 2, and Moon Patrol, and Missile Command, and especially Keystone Kapers. But my favorite may have been Yar's Revenge.
It's quite simple really. You control a fly called a Yar. You have to destroy a laser base named Qotile (and get REVENGE). There's shooting and force fields and lasers and missiles and all that. But for 1981, the game play was very fluid and the sound and graphics were pretty sweet. As far as games go that repeat seemingly endlessly with little variation between levels, I enjoy this way more than Q*Bert or Pac-Man.
In addition to what you're playing, what was your favorite Atari game and why?
Berserk Boxscores: Tigers @ Twins 5/18/1969
Billy Martin was a below average but serviceable infielder for the Yankees while they won four world series in the 50's. He was traded during his age 29 season and bounced around to several teams, never staying anywhere longer than a year. His final year at age 33 was with the brand new Minnesota Twins. In 108 games he played poorly and retired after the season. Still young, he got hired as a scout for the Twins, then was promoted to coach. In 1968 he got his first chance at being manager, leading the Twins affiliate Denver Bears at the end of their season. In 1969, he replaced Cal Ermer as the manager for the big club. It didn't take long for Billy to get a reputation as a manager with a cunning mind, even if he didn't always make the best decisions. One of the first things he did as manager was tell Rod Carew to steal whenever and wherever he damned well please.
Carew obeyed. On May 18th, the Twins were in 2nd place and had lost three consecutive games and facing a pretty good Tigers team. Mickey Lolich was starting for the Tigers, Dave Boswell for the Twins. Entering the bottom of the 3rd, the Twins were down 2-0. Cesar Tovar singled, then moved to second on a balk. Tovar promptly stole third before Rod Carew drew a walk. Now, Harmon Killebrew was up with nobody out. The double steal was pulled off, though I was unable to tell if it was a straight steal of home or if the throw went down to second first. Either way, a double steal happened with Killebrew at the plate at nobody out.
Now, Carew is on second base. Restless, he stole third base. Now, Carew is on third base with Harmon Killebrew at the plate. And there is still NOBODY OUT. What's the logical thing to do? Steal home! Carew did so and the Twins tied the game. Killebrew would strike out, and the Twins wouldn't score the rest of the game. No word if Lolich whined about Carew not playing the game the right way.
Carew stole home seven times during the 69 season, twice with Killebrew at the plate. The other time was with two outs, but Killebrew said that neither time did he know Carew was coming home. This prompted a staff person with the Twins to write Carew's epitaph:
Here lies Rod Carew, lined to left by Killebrew.
The Twins would go on to win the division, losing to an amazing Orioles team in the brand new ALCS. Billy Martin would punch out Dave Boswell in the parking lot and lose his job with the Twins at the end of the year. And Rod Carew stopped stealing home so much.
Pixel Perfect Memories: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game
Release Date: 1989
Platforms: NES, Xbox 360, many computer systems
Developer: Konami
I never really cared for the port to the NES. The graphics were okay, but not great. You could only use two turtles at a time. There were new levels and bosses, but it always felt a bit flat to me. I honestly like the original TMNT game for the NES better, despite its flaws. Regardless, I'm not here to talk about the NES. Today we're talking arcade.
When I was a kid, my mom brought me to Circus Circus about three to four times per year, usually around report card time (they gave out extra tokens for good grades). I pretty much played the same games every time. Double Dragon (a hundred times better than the NES port), Arch Rivals, the basketball and pitching games, Skee-Ball, and a few pinball games like Joker's Wild. But the game I put the most quarters into was TMNT.
The cartoon series was an absolute perfect choice for an arcade game, as you had four primary good guys in Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. They had different weapons, different moves. You had colorful bosses in Bee-bop, Rocksteady, Krang, and of course, the Shredder. The graphics were awesome, the sound was mesmerizing, and the cinematic sequences made my eyes light up. But my favorite part of this game is how it could make complete strangers become instant friends. Whenever I saw an opening (hoping it was Donatello so I could use his bo staff), I'd rush to the console and plug in tokens until the game was won. The satisfaction felt at winning was palpable.
I never cared much for winning tickets. All they were good for was cheap, plastic prizes you could get cheaper at the dollar store. Winning TMNT was tangible. And if I saw it an arcade today, I'd be hard pressed not to plug five bucks into it.
Whatcha playing?
February 27, 2012: Relief
Spooky is sick, and Gleeman is complaining about which relievers the Twins didn't sign. Oh, look, the sun!
Pixel Perfect Memories: Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Release Date: 1993
Platforms: SNES, Genesis
Developer: LucasArts
Not really an obscure game, but still probably not as widely played as it should have been. From one of best game developers of all-time, Zombies Ate My Neighbors is a quirky but difficult game that forces you to try and save the world from an invasion of zombies, mummies, vampires, and gigantic babies. Weapons include water pistols, bazookas, and everything in between. Each level is self-contained but generally detailed and fun to look at, with locations ranging from beaches, to museums, to pyramids. The game also combines horror and humor at the same time and does it quite well. And because it's LucasArts, there are about 40,000 easter eggs to be found as well. The soundtrack is also quite catchy, with appropriate tunes for each themed level.
My favorite part of this game has always been co-op, even though it possibly makes the game more difficult. But it's a blast to go through this hilariously crazy universe with a buddy and a drink. "Now, get on the trampoline and jump over to where I am. No, not that direction. Damn! Now I have to backtrack and do this all ov...oh crap, alien! Die!"
There is apparently a download available for the Wii, which is the SNES version.
In addition to what ya'll are playing, what's your favorite game that stars the undead?
Berserk Boxscores: Orioles @ Blue Jays 8/24/1983
Pixel Perfect Memories will come out tomorrow. Tonight I'm in the mood to discuss baseball. While not a scheduled feature, from time to time I would like to take a look at some of the more amazing, unlikely play-by-play moments in history.
One of the reasons I love the game so much is that at any moment something crazy can happen. August 24, 1983 was one of those times. The Orioles were battling the Blue Jays among others for the pennant, and on this day they played host, just one game ahead. Jim Clancy and Scott McGregor had pitched decent games, and entering the 9th the Jays were ahead by two. Clancy put two men on with two out and was replaced. Benny Ayala and Al Bumbry both hit clutch singles to tie the game.
Entering the 10th, however, the Orioles had a problem. They had two catchers on their roster, Rick Dempsey and Joe Nolan. Both had been pinch-hit for and now they needed someone to play there in the 10th. Manager Joe Altobelli called on Lenn Sakata, second baseman, who had never played behind the plate in his life. The first batter for the Blue Jays, Cliff Johnson, belted a solo shot to give the Jays a one-run lead. Barry Bonnell singled. Tippy Martinez came into pitch, and Bobby Cox decided to take advantage of Sakata's never-before tested ability to throw out base runners. Here is what followed:
Barry Bonnell caught stealing (PO) 2B (P-1B)
Dave Collins walks
Collins picked off 1B (P-1B)
Willie Upshaw singled to 2B
Upshaw picked off 1B (P-1B).
That's right. Martinez picked three consecutive men off first base to end the inning, and Sakata never broke a sweat.
To add insult to injury, Cal Ripken started off the bottom half of the 10th with a home run. Then Sakata, the Orioles new catcher, hit a walk-off three run jack to win the game for the home team. The Orioles, of course, would go on to win the pennant and the World Series, while the Jays would finish nine games back. Sakata would never catch again.
Tippy would also win the next night. He pitched 103 innings in relief, going 9-3 with a 2.35 ERA. He would finish 27th in the MVP balloting. His career would end on the Twins, pitching four innings for them in 1988.
I would pay money to watch this inning live, though I doubt MLB will ever allow me to do that.
Pixel Perfect Memories: Kid Icarus
Release Date: July, 1987
Platform: NES
Developer: Nintendo
Kid Icarus has an odd place in the history of the NES. It seems to be one of those rare games that has a massive following but remains underrated. Part of the problem is that it was developed by the same people who made Metroid and was released not too long after. The game have similarities and it's hard not to compare them. However, when this guy compares them, Kid Icarus comes out on top.
You control Pit, a little dude with useless wings and a bow and arrow. Traversing both vertical and horizontal scrolling areas, Pit must upgrade his skills and collect the three treasures stolen by Medusa and her minions. Since I already brought up Metroid (and since many who would consider playing Kid Icarus have already played it), let's compare the two games.
While Pit has some difficult jumps to make, the control is absolutely fluid. He responds quickly to every command, so getting past difficult parts is left completely to the player's hand-eye coordination. In Metroid, Samus responds fine to player input but RAM issues cause some serious slowdown issues in delicate areas. Also, when Samus gets hit she bounces back a good half-mile, often into a lava pit. Pit just stays where he is.
Level Design
Metroid essentially has one level with different sections that you can move in and out of. In other words, it is mostly a non-linear game. Kid Icarus is linear and has defined levels, so it's hard to directly compare them. Each have their faults, however. Some of the areas of Metroid begin to look samey, and the insane amounts of backtracking one has to do can get irritating. However, when one learns the game, planning can be done to avoid this. While this problem is avoided with Kid Icarus, it's ridiculous in that on vertical levels, you cannot fall below the bottom of the screen even a centimeter, otherwise you die. Otherwise, I found both games to be quite creative.
Both games have many sets of enemies that act similarly to one another. Metroid has basically a few categories. Enemies that crawl along walls, ones that come out of pits, and ones that fly down from the ceiling. Kid Icarus has enemies that crawl, fall out of the sky, or come at you with a zig-zag pattern. However, where Kid Icarus shines are the three dungeons. The highlight is the eggplant wizards, who throw eggplants at you that turn you into a whale, making you backtrack through several rooms to find a nurse.
Kid Icarus has the cerberus, the dragon, the floating bubble, and Medusa. Metroid has Kraid, Ridley, and Mother Brain. While there is a bit more variety in the Kid Icarus bosses, all of them are insanely easy to beat. Medusa is insultingly easy, possibly the easiest final boss in all of video game history. Kraid and Ridley are a bit similar for my tastes, but at least they are hard. And Mother Brain is appropriately difficult as well.
Metroid is dark, dark, and more dark. Kid Icarus is more colorful, but has some truly awful backgrounds.
Metroid has beautiful, haunting music appropriate to the game's setting. Kid Icarus has an annoying, looping tune that is just a bit too chirpy. And the sound effects when Pit hits an enemy with an arrow are shrill to put it mildly. The dungeon music is good.
Pit mostly uses his bow and arrow, which he upgrades by getting more points. He also can win many a helpful item by winning games of chance, enduring skills trainings, or buying them in stores (or the black market). Perhaps my favorite part is that in the dungeons, he can use hammers to break free centurions (turned to stone) who can then help them in boss battles. Metroid also has many awesome upgrades, my favorite being the screw attack. All things said, I just like the variety with Kid Icarus a bit more.
While this only a minor concern for both games, it is always nice for the player to be rewarded at the end of the game for a job well done. With Metroid, you find out you're a girl. Pit rescues some princess, and the more points he has, the beefier his muscles get (and presumably, the greater the chance of him scoring further). There are several endings, at least.
Kid Icarus is quite difficult, for about four stages. However, as Pit upgrades, the enemies don't get harder. Thus, the game gets progressively easy until the final stage, which is the easiest yet. Meanwhile, Metroid has above average difficulty that is consistent throughout, becoming even harder in the final room. Unfortunately, part of Metroid's challenge is with the control. At least both games provide great fun with unnecessarily long passwords you can copy, take ten minutes to input, and then pray you get your game back.
While Metroid is technically more proficient in a lot of areas, the game requires immense patience as the player must slowly learn a map that is difficult to traverse while at the same time struggling with some pretty mediocre controls. Many of the problems with this game were fixed in Super Metroid and further releases. Kid Icarus still holds up well over time and it's disappointing that it wasn't popular enough to spawn numerous sequels, settling for one mere Gameboy release twenty years ago. It certainly had the makings of a storied franchise right from the beginning.
Whatcha playing?
Pixel Perfect Memories: Earthbound
Release Date: June 5, 1995
Platform: Super Nintendo
Developer: APE; HAL Laboratory
Considered a cult classic, I have never known anyone personally to dislike this RPG. In fact, I am not sure I know anyone who doesn't love it like crazy. But when the market for RPGs was still trying to gain steam in America, Earthbound had no place and the sales figures were awful. Released in a huge box with a huge strategy guide, Earthbound was obviously quirky from the start. While on the surface the game seems little more than a goofy parody of American culture and other RPGs, herein lies a high-quality adventure with a gripping story and superb game mechanics.
Controlling a kid named Ness, you unwittingly go on to save humanity after a meteorite crashes in your hometown. Along the way you pick up some of your friends and hobnob with aliens, dinosaurs, talking moles, and ruthless businessmen. With weapons like baseball bats and healing techniques like prayer and eating hamburgers, it is obvious the game is not concerned about the typical fantasy world RPGers play in. You call your parents to save your game. You access ATM booths for cash. And for the most part, the kids you control talk and act like kids. It's charming as hell.
Unfortunately, I think the unconventional theme along with simple (but colorful) graphics and music turned a lot of people away. But there's more to like beyond its originality. It was the first RPG I played that had a rolling hit point meter, meaning if your allies could heal you before your HP got down to zero, you'd be okay. The learning curve is gradual, but the game is certainly not easy (like say Mystic Quest). Battles have to be planned, and there's a few spots, especially late in the game, where's there an ass-kicking (yours) or two in store. There's also some high-quality, dynamic puzzle solving involved, thus the game doesn't mindlessly send you from point A to point B from beginning to end. And quite unlike most RPGs, the last half of the game isn't nauseating side-questing-until-you-completely-forget-to-go-beat-the-final-boss nonsense.
There really is little more you could ask out of Earthbound. If you love RPGs and you haven't played this, it's a damn shame. You'll spend a lot of time grinning from ear to ear when you do.
Two months in a row now I've recommended a classic but unheralded RPG, so now I'd like to hear from ya'll. What is your favorite RPG? What gem have I perhaps missed that I should really get around to playing?
Creedence Clearwater Revival — Green River/Keep On Chooglin’
My favorite band of all time was sadly only together a very short time and thus has few live performances anywhere. And while I'm glad John continues to tour, his voice just isn't that great anymore. So after passing over the overrated Proud Mary and Bad Moon Rising, I leave you all with a couple of fine performances.
Thanks for having me this week. I dedicate the final tune to meat, who has had a hell of a week. Keep close to your family and friends, keep your chin up, and keep on chooglin.