I've been pretty absent here the past few weeks, I've been very busy at work. My absence will continue over the weekend: I'm driving up to Swanville, MN to hunt deer. At my great-uncle-in-law's. Both my father and father-in-law are in the hunting party. Which I quite enjoy.
As I mentioned earlier, my week's soundtrack has been pretty much 70% Beyoncé (with 20% Merle, and 10% Random). When I put together my end-of-the-year lists, her new album 4 is going to be hard to file: an 8-song album might challenge* Colin Stetson, but those other five or so songs are still there on the album, and she might not get listed at all. At the same time, there's too many good songs for me to pick just one for my singles list (which is where I put songs not on listed albums: otherwise both lists would pretty much be copies of each other.
*Or maybe it's just a brief infatuation with the record and I'll be sick of it by December 1.
I like Kanye West's work, but I hope he never again shows up on a Beyoncé album. Three seconds into "Party", and three seconds of his voice, and I'm hitting the "next track" button.
So anyways, share your list.