Category Archives: WGOM

Game 133: Tigers at Twins

Brad Penny vs. Brian Duensing

Brad Penny is not a good pitcher. His 3.6 K/9 is worse than Pavano's and is a full 1 K/9 worse than Blackburn's. And he's walking more per 9 than Duensing, so he doesn't have good control to offset a low K rate either.

However, Duensing has been awful of late and the Tigers pretty much feast on lefties.

The Twins need this one to avoid losing 10 games on a homestand. Wow, that's bad. Let's get it done. GO TWINS!!!

Game 132: Tigers 6, Twins 4

FOX spared me the pain of watching this one, so I don't have much insight on this game, but at least the annoying streak of pitiful offense is over finally. The Twins had gone 61 straight innings without scoring more than one run. And all it took to end the streak was the Twins getting back-to-back home runs by Luke Hughes and Jason Repko off Justin Verlander at Target Field.

The Twins are now 5-19 in August, their second 19-loss month in this season that will seemingly never end. The Twins haven't had lost 20 games in a month since September 1999 when they went 7-21.  However, the Twins' record for most losses in a month is safe, at least for August,  since the Twins only have four games left. However, they will have to go 2-2 to avoid having their worst month since the Twins went 3-26 in May 1981. Wow, that would kill any hopes for a season real fast.

The Twins are 14-29 since the AS break. Surprisingly, they have outperformed their Pythag by five games on the season.. They are 23-23 in one-run games and 5-4 in extra-inning games.


The Jayhawks – Blue

The Jayhawks: Joe Mauer, Justin Morneau, Jose Mijares, Joe Nathan, and Jason Kubel. The Minneapolis group sings the song that best describes the way they are making Twins fans feel this season.


Or it is the 1995 Jayhawks line up on the John Stewart Show? It is one or the other.

8 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 108 votes, average: 8.88 out of 10 (8 votes, average: 8.88 out of 10)
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Game #(insert game number here): (insert AAA joke here) vs. (insert detroit or large cat joke here)

("Man this team is bad" joke)

(half-hearted statistical analysis detailing just how bad things have gotten)

(oh, wait... we're batting against Verlander today? We're even more out of luck than usual.)

(Make 190-pitch complete game joke.)

(links to these two Gleeman tweets detailing how the Twins aren't very good at anything)

(threaten to volunteer to do house work with the wife instead of watching game, only to chicken out later because the work she's got planned sucks, and bad baseball is better than no baseball until the 8th inning when we've only got ONE FREAKING RUN AGAIN)

(Delmon Young joke)

(snarky condolences to anyone who watches the game)

I mean, if the Twins can phone it in, why can't I?

2011 Game 131 Recap: Tigers 8, Twins 1

Box Score

Weather: 86 degrees, clear
Wind: 12 mph, out to RF
Time: 2:55
Attendance: 38,918

I woke up with a head pounding like Niagara Falls and a mouth as dry as Death Valley. An empty bourbon bottle lay on its side on the table, another soldier that gave its last full measure. The dame was long gone, more than a month ago now. One night while we were having a few laughs she slipped me a mickey and took a powder, taking the mojo and my wallet with her. Yeah, she played me for a real sap, and I let her. The name's Twayn. I'm a shamus.

I thought I had her angle figured, see? It seemed clear that the dame was setting me up for a double cross. It was the smart move, after all. Hire me to find the mojo for her, then stick a shiv in my back and make tracks. There's no shortage of teams looking for some mojo this time of year, and they're willing to shell out a stack of semollians to get it. Some of them aren't above using a dame to get what they want. I was onto her from the start, but I let my guard down that night. Maybe it was the way her eyes shined in the moonlight, or the sob story she poured out along with the whiskey.

I've heard a lot of sob stories in my day. They mostly went along with the sound of a tinny piano playing in the parlor downstairs. "Mister, I met a man once when I was young," it always began. This one wasn't much different. So I let her set the hook and start reeling. I just didn't figure she'd make her move quite so fast. Now the mojo is gone for good, and things have been going south ever since she flew the coop. Bad pitching, bad hitting, bad defense -- it's pretty much been the perfect storm of horseshit baseball for the team. And to top if off, Jim Thome got shanghaied to Cleveland.

I still watch the games most nights. Call it my self-imposed penance for letting the mojo get away, and since the boys downtown pulled my license I don't have a lot to do these days. But it doesn't take a detective to see the signs of a team that's lost its mojo. A 5-18 record in August, the worst in the major leagues. Six losses in a row, and no more than a run scored in any of them. Hell, the boys haven't scored more than a run in 13 of their last 23 games. And for the first time in franchise history, they've lost six straight games at home.

I pull the covers back and drag my sad sack of bones out of the bed, run fingers through my hair and head for the shower. There's an afternoon game today, and I need to get to the liquor store before first pitch. Maybe I should just get a case this time. I have a hunch it's going to be a long September.

Game 130 Recap: Orioles 6, Twins 1

4 - 24.

In 4 games against one of the two AL teams with a worse record than Minnesota, the Twins were outscored by 20 runs, Liriano and Cuddyer went on the DL, adpfhoubev- qf7ncs .......

[NARRATOR]:  It appears that your recapper has been overcome by the sheer disaster that was this series against the Orioles.  He didn't even get to Drew Butera starting all four games, the Twins' starters pitching a total of 15.2 innings, ad;kfhvbn ....

[2nd NARRATOR]: (Looks at two unconscious bodies) I ain't touching this.