Category Archives: WGOM Videos

tUnE-yArDs – Powa

here is my newfound love, tUnE-yArDs. normally, i'm pretty anti-looping pedal. in fact, i'm normally very anti-looping pedal (especially someone that uses two of them), but merrill garbus makes it work for me. her new studio album "w h o k i l l" is fabulous as well. even peckish jane likes it (which surprised me, i'll admit). anyway, this is one of those acts to keep an eye on:


and for fun, one more after the jump...
Continue reading tUnE-yArDs – Powa

4 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 104 votes, average: 7.25 out of 10 (4 votes, average: 7.25 out of 10)
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Les Paul & Mary Ford – There’s No Place Like Home

while i'm sure les paul is nowhere near the best guitarist EVAH, his name is on the guitar, so that's gotta be worth something (also, mary ain't no slouch herself). here's some fun riffing between les and mary from way back.


5 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 10 (5 votes, average: 7.60 out of 10)
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Jake Shimabukuro – While My Guitar Gently Weeps

you know that old ukulele you have in the closet? the one that's collecting dust and never seems to stay in tune no matter what you do with it? yeah, you might as well go ahead and throw it away.


5 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 105 votes, average: 7.60 out of 10 (5 votes, average: 7.60 out of 10)
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