Tag Archives: swedish

FMD: WFH Week 1 (3-20-20)

Last year, Annika Norlin and Jens Lekman released Correspondence, an "epistolary album" where each song is a montly "letter" back to the other, over the course of 2018. I'm a huge fan of Ms. Norlin's work. She records in English as "Hello Saferide" and in Swedish as "Säkert!" (though there's an album by Säkert! in English... translations of some of her Swedish songs). As for Lekman... meh. So it's an alternatingly great/not album. Norlin's second-best song on it is "Hibernation" from April, fitting for the current moment of self-quarantine and social distancing. Except for the parts where she takes a train and talks to some youth [lyrics].

BTW, the best song is "'Silent Night'", maybe the best thing Norlin's written (at least in English) [lyrics].

Anyways, drop your lists of Random tens, or maybe point out some fitting songs for waiting out the rider of the white horse.

ABBA – Fernando

I can't ever tell with these 70s videos if the vocals are dubbed or live and I'm not going to try any harder to find a definite live one of this song. Anyway blame hj for getting this dang song stuck in my head all day yesterday.


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Hello Saferide “Anna”

With Jill Johnson, on Jill's Veranda, Somewhere in Sweden, Late 2015/Early 2016
(Here billed as Annika Norlin, which probably is easier because she sings songs in English as "Hello Saferide" and in Swedish as "Säkert!", but as Säkert! did an album of English translations of her originally Swedish songs.)
So until I found this, I hadn't seen anything visual from Norlin worth sharing. This makes up for that and more. Fantastic performance, awesome song. If she's not up for more writing in English, an album of Americana self-covers a la Bonnie 'Prince' Billy's Sings Greatest Palace Music would be equally cool. She hasn't toured the US since I learned of her. Would I drive to Chicago if she did again that was the nearest show? Probably, and this video strengthens that.

2 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 102 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10 (2 votes, average: 9.00 out of 10)
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