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Many thanks to dw for a great DJ week. Here's a video I stole from freealonzo's feed.
How could I not play this?
More Tina, please. And a little bit of Davie.
Very, uh, provocative sax player there.
Up and at them. We've got a lot of week to go.
Nate Mercereau has played sessions with Jay-Z, but I think this one-ups his list of famous collaborators.
The sounds Bay Area residents have described as nuisance noise equivalent to sonic torture are produced by the a new set of railing slats installed on the Golden Gate to retrofit it to withstand sustained winds above 70 mph. The sounds struck Mercereau differently, as Nature itself playing “the largest wind instrument in the world.” Adding an interesting natural wrinkle to a musical controversy, the Golden Gate often sounds an A440 (Hz) concert pitch.
Armed with field recorders, Mercereau & a couple friends captured the sounds from the Marin Highlands, which make up the other half of his album Duets | Golden Gate Bridge. The song performed in this video is a track from Mercereau’s other 2021 album, Sundays.
In response to complaints, the Golden Gate Bridge District is developing engineering adjustments to silence the bridge.
You know, I still have to check what my real Best Of is, but I really did dig this song. We already played it, but here's the acoustic jam.
I've started listening to a lot more classical music in the last year*, mainly by streaming MPR's classical station. By luck, I heard this flute piece by Yuko Uebayashi and was thoroughly hooked.
*It's interesting how technology can shape our listening habits. I had been working from home on my personal laptop since the pandemic hit, but the IT department was upgrading laptops, so I finally got one. It's a big improvement for doing work (larger screen, easier access to stuff on the server), but I don't have any sort of music streaming service on it, so my listening habits shifted accordingly.