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Of course there's not an official video of this performance, but, they got the band back together.
On Monday evening Graham Womack, the proprietor of Baseball: Past and Present, published his fourth annual article on the 50 best baseball players not in the Hall of Fame. Graham's list is the product of ballots submitted by over 200 readers, including yours truly (my third year voting). I counted four former Minnesota Twins on the list, but there might be a couple short-time guys I missed. Graham's piece is a massive article, but entirely worth the read.
I really enjoy the way Womack conducts this survey. Voters are first asked to identify who they believe are the best players outside the Hall of Fame (no metrics or other specific criteria are required), and secondly whether the player belongs in the Hall of Fame. This way, apart from the PED issue, there's a fairly clear delineation of where voters believe the Hall of Fame ends and the Hall of Very Good starts.
In sean's WGOM's Take on the Hall of Fame post, Doc expressed his desire to see the median Hall of Famer at each position. I've broken the positions down below, then contextualized the medians with a decent selection of players eligible for Womack's list. Continue reading The 50 Best Players not (yet) in the Hall of Fame