These guys have a new album out. Reviews are... mixed.
These guys have a new album out. Reviews are... mixed.
So this album just got BNM from P4K. I can't find the one song I really like so here's another one instead.
Hey look new War on Drugs!!!
I have the latest album, but I'm not completely sold on it. Strong Speedy Ortiz vibe.
17 May 2016
Gone through this album a few times and I'm really digging it. Feels like something Zack would have gotten me into.
Pretty sure there are some Segall fans around here. Brand spankin' new track from his recent release.
Okay, we've celebrated a lot of 2016's best, but what about the best of 2017?
Here's one from The xx's soon to be released album.
19 Nov 2016
FTLT (the citizen that alerted the citizenry to the likes of Alabama Shakes and Courtney Barnett long before everyone else figured it out, who also used to be a DJ, contributor, and frequent commenter as well as being known as somewhat of a basketball enthusiast (in the case that anyone is unfamiliar)) causally dropped a mention in a FMD a little bit back. I've learned to listen when the hitman does so.
A collaboration between the lead singer of The Walkmen and one of the main cogs of Vampire Weekend, their album is a whirling plunge through genres, eras, and textures, but all with a distinctly original sound that I hope they explore on another album or two. Anyway, this song has been between lowkey to rock-climber's grip stuck in my head for the past few weeks now.
Sep 2016
I like it when we get into someone before everyone else does.
25 Oct 2016
Many thanks to Pepper for a great guest DJ/theme week (even if I didn't really understand what the theme was supposed to be).
Back to the daily dreck. Here's something from the weekend (not The Weeknd)
22 Oct 2016