Oh, Sasha...
Oh, Sasha...
Is funky weekend a thing? Yeah baby, you betcha it is. Here's a little bit of funky mardi gras indian music to round out this weekend.
I saw these 6 fellows absolutely destroy the crowd at Black Pot Festival this last weekend. OMG. Seriously, I'm in love.
huh. apparently this awful song had been around for years before ms. midler made us all immensely sick of it. anyway, despite the amazingly belittling lyrics, the sentiment is what's important: all y'all are the foundation of the WGOM. you are all the wind beneath its--
okay, sorry, i can't do it. just roll the clip...
Oh, today feels like a Nina Simone kind of day. I ain't got no job, but I do have my hair on my head.
might as well do a compare and contrast between the #1 and #2 tracks.
this version unfortunately forgoes the awesome first half. the song in it's entirety can be found after the jump.
Continue reading Frank Ocean – Pyramids
let's give thanks, y'all.
everyone stay safe this weekend. at and away from the dinner table (i'm guessing these rules should apply).
hot damn!
special thanks to rhu_ru for another great guest DJ week.
the critics are going nuts over this album (and i noticed a few citizens were fans of mr. ocean previously), and after listening channel orange all weekend, i can see why.
i don't think this is properly representative of his talents, but it's the best live clip out there for now.
journeyman lee fields shows he can still kick it.