We missed this one a couple weeks back. See you around, Pfife Dawg.
We missed this one a couple weeks back. See you around, Pfife Dawg.
RIP Maurice White. Title track of the first LP I ever bought. Still an amazing record.
(Man, I need to see if this movie is available anywhere.)
We also say goodbye to Texas bluesman Long John Hunter. It's been a rough month.
Lead singer Craig Strickland passed away after an accident on a hunting trip.
RIP Paul Kantner. Man, old rockers are dropping fast.
The Airplane at Monterey Pop 1967
This is actually another sad passing to note. Otis Clay was a heavy on the Chicago scene and will be missed.
Sound familiar? That because Don Henley, the recently deceased Glenn Frey, and the Eagles fairly brazenly ripped it off for "The Long Run".
Today, we honor the passing of Mr. Vigoda. For real this time.
We also mourn the passing of the legendary Blowfly. I think I can safely say there won't be another like him.
13 Jun 2007
Many thanks to free for a thoroughly awesome week. Seriously, blew the doors off the place, he did.
Back to the grind. We're running out of candles around here.
02 Aug 1985