2012 MLB in USA Opener: Champions at Home Run Monstrosity

The visiting MLB champions are, of course, starting Kyle Lohse in game one. Remember him? Remember how much Gardy hated him? Now he has a ring, and so does Punto (who's now with the Sawks).

Miami (I'm not used to that yet) has Josh Johnson going. I've always been a big fan for no particular reason, and hope he's back from injury, though the Twins have done little to fill me with hope when a pitcher I like gets injured.

So, who's the first to give us a look at the home run thingy? I'll say Giancarlo Stanton.

Baseball, guys!

52 thoughts on “2012 MLB in USA Opener: Champions at Home Run Monstrosity”

      1. Ooooh, hey, that way I watch Wolves games is working tonight, too. I wonder if Twins games will be more possible for me this year, or if its because its on the 4ltr.

        1. I'd highly recommend splurging for MLB.tv. It's way cheaper than sports that have half (or a tenth) as many games and the constant popups and dropped streams wouldn't be an issue. So worth it, even with their boneheaded exclusivity rules.

  1. how the NFL has taken over. Looking at the ESPN Bottom Line, they are running Mel Kiper draft projecctions during the baseball game.

      1. I wish I could be wrong as frequently as he is, too. Didn't he destroy the Colts for drafting Manning ahead of Ryan Leaf?

        1. During ESPN's coverage of 1994 NFL Draft, Kiper criticized the Indianapolis Colts for using their fifth overall pick on linebacker Trev Alberts, and not quarterback Trent Dilfer, whom Kiper labeled a "franchise quarterback".

          1. Who the hell is Mel Kiper?


            According to Bill Tobin, Mel Kiper is Beau.

          2. The thing that bothers me most about Mel Kiper is that sometimes he'll say things you can tell he doesn't really believe, just to be different. That, and the fact that he will never, ever, admit that he was wrong about anything.

    1. the ESPN bottom line was also showing the NFL Monday Night Football preseason schedule. UGH.

  2. The home run sculpture is apparently called "the home run sculpture." Really? You built the strangest thing that's ever been inside a major league park outside of Bill Lee, and you call it "the home run sculpture?" I think we need a WGOM contest to name that thing.

    Announcer: "It looks like a cruise ship had a baby with a spaceship."

    1. well, the ballpark is named generically Marlins Park (really, no naming rights? weird), so 'the home run sculpture' seems appropriate.

      1. The DC 9 has been playing in Nationals Park for several years. Neither team was willing to budge on naming rights when no one was willing to meet their demands.

  3. If I was Francona, I would be thrilled to be out of Boston and have a cushy analyst job instead.

  4. Announcer: "The difference between a good year and a great year for a pitcher is whether the offense picks you up in games like this."

    No difference. There's no difference there. The games must count, 'cause I'm getting annoyed with announcers!

  5. the ESPN announcers were really going out of the way to mention there was a no hitter going on.

      1. Im not saying it should be forbidden to say no hitter, but saying it every other sentence is a bit overkill.

        Randy Choate...wow.

        1. But it's a dugout thing, not an announcer thing. The announcers should be selling the game. Letting viewers know about history sells the game.

  6. "They need a baserunner more than a home run here. The next guy's gotta have a chance to tie the game."

    Douchenozzle, if this guy hits a home run, it's 4-3 AND A HOME RUN BY THE NEXT GUY STILL TIES THE F*&^IN GAME

    1. The point would be to not try to lift the ball in an attempt to hit it out of the ballpark, but hit a line drive somewhere, which has a greater chance of being a base hit. Also, players who "swing for the fences" tend to make less contact. He's talking about the player's approach. It should be different based on the situation especially in the team's last at-bat.

      1. He might mean that, but he isn't saying it. He said "They need a baserunner more than a home run here." That's an awfully stupid way of saying "Trying to hit a home run is dangerous."

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