42 thoughts on “August 12, 2012: Sleep Deprivation”

            1. Spoiler SelectShow
              1. On an unrelated note, good luck at the game today. Hopefully HPR gets to see Nishi today. Maybe in his last game ever?

                1. No, today's the day the game slows down for him. I predict 4-5 with a double and triple. The out is his last at-bat and it's hit to the top of the wall, making us all lose our minds for a good ten seconds. Nishi cycle?

      1. I'm glad I got up. I thought the game was later in the day. The final in Beijing was an awesome game, and it looks like today is just as good.

        1. I missed the second quarter, thankfully. 22 fouls called in 10 minutes?

          The refs were bad in the second half. Not horrifically bad, but bad. Also, the U.S. did not play very good basketball in the third quarter. Too many threes with nobody under the basket, too many missed dunks/layups/opportunities.

          But Pau Gasol reminded everyone that he is the best low-post offensive player in the world. The U.S. is lucky that Spain couldn't hit a three, because Gasol was just punishing everyone down low.

  1. I'm so psyched for this game. We're gonna try to get there around the time the gates open.
    AJR volunteered for an early nap so she won't be cranky. What a 2.5 year-old!

    The icing on the cake will be if Nishi's in the starting lineup.

    1. Anyone else going? We're in section 320, row 3.

      I just made a baseball songs mix CD. Organizing the songs short to long was just perfect: starts with Casey announcing Kirby Puckett, then the early 90's version of "We're gonna win Twins". Ends with Scully's call of the Koufax perfect game.
      Found a cool song called "Move over Babe, here's coming Henry", about the HR chase "He'll break that 714!". I hope HPR digs it.

      1. I would be very interested in obtaining a copy of this mix to share with Aquinas (and eventually Aristotle, et. al.). Sorry Nishi didn't play today. We weren't around a ton today, but when we were I made sure to tune in to see if he made it in the game. I booed Gardy.

    1. Meh. As far as HR-robbing plays go, that was rather routine. I think 90 percent of major league CFers should make that play.

      1. I only have about a sixer left. I'm going to be very sad when its gone. (until I brew it again, of course.)

    1. Wait, there's a way to view these comments on shuffle? Sean is even cooler than I realized!

  2. Apparently Amerika is part of the Russian Federation, because NBC just gave US complete, live (?) coverage of Russia/Brazil in men's volleyball, whereas we got field event-treatment of the women's gold medal match (at 11:30 pm) last night.

    Great match today, but I am still pissed about yesterday.

    1. wasn't live. also, i don't think there's anything else left to show. also also, told ya.

        1. It was more of the continuing botched coverage that is NBC.

          I just watched the closing ceremonies live on BBC. I have a good idea about which parts won't be shown to an American audience.

          1. Were they shown anyways? The pet shop boys were very WTF?. Also, I need a bus that inflates into an 80-foot Octopus myself.

  3. It seems all of the 30 for 30 episodes are streaming on netflix. Try not to watch too many in one sitting.

    1. i love that they didn't change the lyrics, even if us prudes wouldn't be able to handle it.

        1. Absolute boo.

          Also, that should have been the last performance of the show.

          Also also, apparently Ryan Seacrest had no idea who any of the Brazilian performers were. Good job, NBC!

          1. Also, also, also Ryan Seacrest is the biggest waste of time in tv history. I didn't watch the closing ceremonies, but I accidentally caught one of his "social media" reports, which is not something I can un-see, sadly. I did manage to completely avoid and Mary Carillo segments, howevah.

            1. meh, the Mary Carillo segments were okay, but they certainly could have put them on PRIOR to the games, and made more room for the actual games WHILE THEY WERE BEING PLAYED. But I'm preaching to the choir, I know

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