WGOM Fitness: September 28, 2012, Friday

I'm in the Capitol City, so I'm a long way from any scale. I went to Applebee's last night on the way and that was pretty good, although I think next time I'm going to skip the rice, as it really seemed to make me hungry.

I've come out here quite a bit and have never used the workout room before until today. It's not great -- about the only thing they have that I can really use is the treadmill, so I went on that for about 30 minutes. They had a fat burning setting, but I didn't know how to use it very well (now I do!). Still, though, I've added that workout to my routine, which is better than where I was.

I thought that on Fridays, I would talk about the benefits of this program for me. The purpose of this is to try to encourage anyone who's not yet getting on the fitness bandwagon to climb on board. I am by no means in any sort of great shape yet. I'm still carrying a lot of extra weight, but you know what? I'm not carrying as much extra weight and relatively speaking, I'm feeling a lot better. A lot better.

One small thing that I've noticed: I now weigh less than I did when I got married. As a result, my wedding ring, which used to cut a little into my finger, is now relatively loose. It's not in any danger of falling off as I still have to urge it over the knuckle, but it is a lot more comfortable. That's pretty cool.

3 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: September 28, 2012, Friday”

  1. I finally got the Wii Fit board out Tuesday and started working on my balance. Now my weekly routine is 20-30 minutes of upper body weight lifting M-W-F and Wii Fitting T-TH. I just need to figure out how to add some cardio type stuff in there, which is difficult becuase I have limited time. I may start doing that on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Yesterday morning, when I got on the board, it gave me a weight of about 192-193 or so, though I'm not sure on its accuracy. I'm about 6'0" tall, so despite the thing telling me my BMI sucks, I think I'm at an ok weight. I don't think it would be bad to lose 10-15 pounds, and I can probably do that pretty easily if I start treadmilling on weekends, but since I have no desire to cut out beer from my diet, I'm ok with things as they stand and am basically just trying to maintain while I have 30-year-old metabolism. That said, I've been thinking about looking for a set of free weights. I think I could add some muscle weight with them instead of using the Crossbow I have now. (Bowflex knock-off.)

    I admire your dedication to your diet in the face of all that travel. If I had to travel that much, I'd find it hard to do. I think I might be in better shape overall, though, as I'd spend more time in the workout room than I currently spend working out in my basement.

  2. 9 Miles this morning at a 9:30 mile pace. Lite rain for the first couple miles, then it cleared up - 58F.

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