WGOM Fitness: October 3, 2012, Moving Out

I'm moving out of the Fatherland after eight days and heading home. I worked out 4 of the seven nights that I was here, which was an addition to the program. Last night, despite being quite tired, I put in 30 minutes on the Air Dyne and the results were about the same as the night before. Considering how I felt, that was a win.

I added a new column on the spreadsheet: BMI. BMI is calculated as your weight in KG divided by the square of your height in meters. Above 30 is considered to be obese. My mother told me this morning that I look really good. Funny, Mom. I'm still clinically obese.

Day 71
Weight: 250
Total Loss: 34.5
BMI: 30.82

3 thoughts on “WGOM Fitness: October 3, 2012, Moving Out”

  1. With the start of Q4, I was thinking that I might have some more concrete goals, but really my main goal is just to make it to the gym regularly. I am aiming to get a fairly strenuous workout in M/T and Th/F with light active-recovery workouts on W and Sat, and a full rest day on Sunday. I want to be consistent about this for 12 weeks and monitor my progress to see if I should scale back at all. I doubt I should be doing more than this--if four hard sessions a week isn't enough to progress, I'm probably either not putting enough energy into those four sessions or not recovering well enough from those workouts. I really want to be active at least six days a week, though, because just some light activity seems to help my recovery a lot--less stiff, sore, etc. I'll be tracking my progress in the squat, deadlift, overhead press, dips, pull-ups, and L-sit.

    I guess now that I think about it, I am really just continuing my focus on improving my strength. I have made good gains in the past year, but I would like to eventually get to a 1.5xbodyweight squat, a 2xBW deadlift, a 0.75xBW overhead press, 12+ ring dips, 12+ dead hang pull-ups, and a good 30 second L-sit. Those are long-term goals, though, and I surely won't hit some of them for 2-3 years, but I like having those goals in the back of my mind. More short-term, I want to have a good strength base for the upcoming ski season, which is basically Q1 (weather permitting, of course.) Q2 tends to essentially be softball season and Q3 is hiking season. I don't really have a sport for this time of year, though.

    My main health goal on Sunday is to go to the grocery store and then cook a bunch of food to prepare for the week. That was a success this last Sunday--I made a big batch of chili, some salsa verde, roasted a bunch of chicken thighs, and made a quiche for three days of breakfast. This Sunday will be more of a challenge since I'll be at the Sounders-Timbers game in the evening (among the 66K+ expected to attend), but I should be able to wrap up my cooking by 3-4 pm as long as I don't sleep in.

  2. BMI is calculated as your weight in KG divided by the square of your height in meters.

    How much does a Kevin Garnett weigh?

  3. My run last night was pretty good, and I'm not too sore this morning. Which is amazing considering the last time I did any specific cardio (beyond riding the bike 2 miles to the gym) was I dunno when.

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