WGOM Fitness: 31 December 2012, There Is No Finish Line

We've reached the end of the road here for 2012, and I've nearly hit my goal weight, but the end (we hope) is not near.

I started this program on July 25th. I was flat out obese at that time, and I had been unhappy about my weight for years. I know that Twayn's heart attack was a driver, but I didn't start the program for a few days after that. I knew from day one, though, that I was going to get there. I was going to lose the weight. I was totally committed to (a) an 85 pound weight loss and (b) a complete change in my way of life to get to where I was going.

I mentioned a couple of posts ago that I was transitioning to stage two of the program. That is not to say that I am done losing weight, no, I still have a few pounds to go to reach the 85 pound mark. But, the 85 pound mark is not the finish line. I can remember in my first weight loss program when I hit the goal weight, that very day, I quit exercising. How silly I was. No, the 85 pound weight loss was always only going to be step one.

Step two is a combination of cardio training and strength building. I am not looking at lifting a bunch of heavy weights, but rather, I am doing high rep, full body workouts aimed at increasing core strength and endurance.

Step two is actually much more intensive than step one. During step one, I was simply dieting and doing some long rides on the recumbent bicycle. In step two, the rides, while every day when I am home, are now every other day, but much more intensive. While I am home now, the rides are 60 minutes of interval training (90 minutes on Saturdays). In ND, I will go for 45 to 60 minutes on the Air Dyne, probably most days (travel days will also be rest days).

The strength training classes at the gym involve large numbers of sets over the course of an hour that work both upper and lower body, but are primarily aimed at one's core. My strength situation is just about as bad as my overall weight situation was five months ago. I feel like I'm starting over, trying to mold my weak body into something strong.

I had set my goal to lose 85 pounds by the end of 2012. That was ridiculously optimistic, kind of like trying to hit .400 or something. I stayed on pace for three months, but in the dog days of November and December, I fell off pace. In retrospect, I think I would have been better off to shift to step two a month earlier, but that's a minor quibble. Part of me feels like I failed a little, but only in the sense that I was so totally sold on the idea that I would be able to do it on day one. Beyond that, I can tell you that I am absolutely thrilled, THRILLED about the results and that I have the same resolve in me to succeed with step two.

This morning, I went to the gym to ride and I saw the gym's chiropractor and I said hi. I'd seen him a couple of days earlier. In 2011, I had gone to him for a couple of sessions when my back was bothering me. When he saw me today, he said, I was just talking about you. When I saw you the other day, I couldn't believe how awesome you look. I told him what I'd lost and he said that's terrific. I said, you know, my back has been a lot better, too.

If you are in terrific shape and have a great plan, more power to you. If you wish that things could be better, guess what, things CAN be better. I'm not Jack LaLane or somesuch. I was extremely overweight, but something inside of me demanded that I do something about it. And I did. You can do it, too. If you have the funds, a membership at a good gym is a very good idea, I think. I am a member at Lifetime Fitness and I think they are terrific there. But, I am telling you as someone who knows, you do this kind of thing one day at a time. The scale said 284.5 on July 25, 2012. I got on the diet, I went to the gym. The next day it was down a little, and a little more the next day. When I dropped below 280, I was happy. When I got to 270, I was very happy. The little bit of momentum really encouraged me. In November and December when it wasn't all daily progress and happiness, I stuck to the plan. I did take a week off, and during that time, I realized that I'd gotten a little sloppy with the diet, allowing myself cheats that were not helping. When I recommitted, things got back on track.

As for the diet, I am pretty much completely dedicated to the 1800 calorie level. Eventually, I am going to have to add to that, but I'm not in any hurry to do so. My body is used to that level now and good choices leaves my stomach satisfied while my calorie count low.

My hope for all of you in 2013 is that you do at least something to improve your fitness, be it calorie intake, sleep, exercise, stress-reduction, whatever. I am so much happier and happier about myself than I was. I want that for all of you.

Weight: 213.3
Total lost: 71.2

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