133 thoughts on “January 31, 2013: You Guys are Gross”

  1. I cannot believe the way people in my area are freaking out because we're going to have one whole day of below zero temperatures. I don't know what these people will do when we have a serious cold spell again some day.

    1. School got canceled in Lennox (and most of the area around Sioux Falls, I guess), because "they" didn't think the buses would start and warm up. I remember going to school on plenty of days colder than this. I guess our buses must have been built better or something.

      1. School has been cancelled in both Gettysburg and Onida today. The basketball game tonight between the two schools is still on, though. Priorities!

      1. Oh, please. Go up two generations, and that's just the kind of voice you'll hear in certain areas. Plus, comedies are supposed to be exaggerated.

        1. Two generations? I heard a woman yesterday who sounded just like Marge Gunderson.

          ...adding, it's a little less common these days, to be sure, but you hear that accent a lot in Fargo. I didn't know this woman (she works in our office) so I wasn't used to hearing her talk and when she did, her accent was stunning. That's exactly what I thought. This is Marge Gunderson.

          ...adding edited to make this sound non-confrontational, which is how I wanted it to be in the first place.

          1. Yeah, they're all over. I always laugh when people say the voices in Fargo aren't accurate - half the time, the people saying it are the ones being targeted.

            Also, the film was made by native Minnesotans. This isn't a couple of east coasters making fun and not caring if it's accurate.

              1. I know. The older folks really had it, although my grandparents were German, so they didn't have the same dialect. Go ten miles north of SBGville and you will find it in spades with all the Norwegians up there.

                1. My friend Cheryl (the "I wish I had a beard" girl from the lottery commercial) has a thick dialect, but her dad's is hilarious. I met him after a show I did with Cheryl and I had to bite my lip the whole time. "Oh, ya, Kelly there, that was some nice performin' there, ya."

              2. Oh Geez, the lifers at the grocery store I worked at during my teenaged years. Musta been a way for the Scandanavians in Germantown to keep their cultural identity.

          2. I kinda liked the first version, but I like the extra information you added with the editing, too.

            I heard the same accent in northern South Dakota while I was at a trapping convention a couple years ago- I always wonder what my accent sounds like to someone used to listening to people with that accent.

            As someone from southeastern Minnesota, I'd also agree with spooky that some people of my grandparent's generation from around there sound a lot like Fargo as well, so I think you're both right, eh?

            1. *proudly notes that he comes from the part of the state that speaks pure, superior, unaccented English*


                1. Yeah, Arizona is a trip because you get people from all kinds of cold climates. I'm actually at the point where I can identify Alberta vs. other Canadian provinces. Minnesotans and Wisconsinites don't have a chance of slipping by me. If their voice doesn't give them away, their name will. I had the last name "Koenigsknecht" a couple of days ago. She started to spell it for me, and I let her know I'd seen enough names like that in my day to know just how it looked.

              1. Heh, there's enough Scandinavian there to be noticeable, just not normally at Fargo-levels.

                A cousin of my wife did mock me for my accent, saying, "Y'all sound funny!". She's from Atlanta.

                1. My friend Leif was made fun of by his Californian cousins as a kid because he didn't pronounce "toast" as...the best way I can type it is a cross between "tust" and "tist." The vowel sound was more of a schwa, if anyone knows what that is (it's one of those things I learned in an acting class, so I don't know if people with more conventional professions ever had to learn about them).

                  1. My wife says I pronounce "bag" like "beg", but I don't hear it. I got the most grief from the gang in CA when I moved there for "telephone". This is also where I met Jahhhn Mahhhtin from Bahhhston.

            2. When I got to my first ship in the Navy, people wanted to know where I came from. When I told them "Minnesota", they didn't believe me. They pointed to Anderson and said, "He's from Minnesota!" Anderson was from just north of Sartell and sounded like Marge. I grew up in North Minneapolis, with parents who are "...from the part of the state that speaks pure, superior, unaccented English" and have almost no discernible* Fargo accent. I literally had to show them my drivers license before they would believe me.

              Both of my BIL's (ages 33 & 42) still live on the Range; you can damn-near cut the Scandinavian with a knife.

              *I do slip into the "Minnesota" accent sometimes.

              1. D.C. was a fairly similar experience for me. I don't have a strong accent, though there would be select words that jumped out at people. My grandpa has a great Norwegian accent, which is odd, since he's Polish.

                1. Ugh DC. I've had to pull out my former ID, but it always came down to what I thought about the movie. Let me ax you a question about fargo.

                  1. That happened to me for a while, but eventually the young folks didn't know about it. The stock question then became, "So, what's the Mall of America like?"

                    What do I say to that? "Well, it's a really big mall."

                    1. Heh - that, or something about it being cold...I talk to people from all over the country on a daily basis. Sometimes I have to identify the firm and our office location because they think they've contacted a state or federal agency - the Mall or our weather come up more often than not.

                    2. Hell, I work just two states away and even they think its cold year round in MN. (Maybe not seriously, though, could be just to give me a hard time.)

                    3. Based on my Chicagoland-extracted wife's opinion of normative temperatures, they do think it's cold. She gets the shivers in Minnesota in the summer.

              2. People don't peg me for Minnesotan either. I don't think I ever really picked it up...I must have inherited more of my English half.

                A lot of my friends had it but dropped it for the purposes of acting. People with regional dialects tend to only get work if that's what the job calls for.

                1. I don't stand out around here for my accent either. But seriously, very few people with whom I grew up said "aboot" or any of the allegedly characteristic accented sounds of Minnesota. Now, when I got to Carleton, one of my best friends there was from Duhloot. She most definitely could pass for a Minnesotan anywhere. You betcha.

                    1. that's funny. Because she said it. Along with my personal favorite, "SOW-nah" for that place where you sweat a lot sitting on a towel with steam all around you.

                    2. Yeah, Canadian. First time meeting a group of Canucks, I was in HS, and knew nothing about their accent. I has just met a bunch of Southerners and was happy to find someone w/o an accent. Then the word "aboot" came from one's mouth and I was lost.

                    3. The pronunciation of "sauna" isn't a regional thing; that's the way the Finnish pronounce it as well. Next you'll be saying the 'Sotans pronounce "fahrvergnügen" wrong

    1. All these comments and no mention of Ms. Burlington. She's the entire reason I posted the link!

  2. By the end of the second night did any dads want to just not care if they ever woke up again?

    On a more cautious note to new dads, if you're in the delivery room waiting for labor, and you're both looking for a new movie to watch, do not randomly pick Trainspotting. My word.

    1. Yeah, no, Trainspotting probably in the top ten to avoid (at least among movies not to be avoided generally).

      1. And if the new dad is looking for a movie to watch with the new mom after the delivery in the recovery room, a room that at times needs to be shared with another new mom and dad, Night of the Living Dead should not be your first choice.

          1. I think comedy would work better with the sounds of new mom puking and new dad cursing. Lighten up the mood a bit.

                1. The (first season) end credits floor me every time -- a handful of sheep looking questioningly at a pair of underwear on the ground, then looking at each other, then looking around, then looking back at it -- priceless

    2. I remember lots of 30-45 minute naps in between diaper changes, feedings and nurse visits for the first couple nights. Then you eventually figure out the best ways to feed and wrap and hold the baby and you get to sleep for over an hour at a time.
      Just remember, no matter how tired you are, at least you didn't have to go through labor and delivery first.

      1. Oh I know. We're both miserable; I'm caring for two people and she feels she can't do anything. I just have to learn how to take naps. Always been terrible at it.

          1. Eventually, you'll get the point that you fall asleep whenever your head's supporting, so no worries there.

        1. My biggest problem was that I was so paranoid about SIDS and the like that I couldn't sleep when the baby was sleeping. If he was sleeping soundly and not making any noise, I was nervous. If he was making noises, it woke me up. It gets better, but not much.

      2. We were sort of lucky with both our kids that they had to go to the NICU with fortunately minor issues (both were a bit premature). That way, we were at least able to get some sleep, though it definitely added stress in other ways.

        1. We allowed the baby to go to the nursery between feelings last night and that greatly improved our sanity.

    3. Beau - yes, by the second night, I did not care. I was sleeping on a couch in our "Maternity Suite" that sort-of pulled out lengthwise but was worse than the ground. Even when I "slept", I didn't sleep. By the time we got home, I could wake up, change her diaper, hand her to my wife, fall asleep for 25 minutes, wake up, burp her, swaddle her and put her back down without any real thought at all - became something like muscle memory.
      I didn't start catching up on sleep until month 2, but by month 3 she was sleeping through the night (5-7 hours!) which I know is unusual but which I very much appreciated.

      1. Maple grove hospital is awesome. My couch bed is pretty comfortable and I brought a tempurpedic pillow from home.

        1. a) congrats! b) definitely use the nursery c) MG is very nice...Moss' fourth was also born there after three at North Memorial.

      2. Miss SBG was a terrific sleeper. She only woke up a maximum of two times in any one night and within a few days at home it was once a night. She never, not once, had a long waking period in the middle of the night. My wife would get up, feed her, and she went right to sleep. I never, not once, was awake with her in the middle of the night for more than two minutes.

        1. the Boy was a barfer. Slept in a bassinet at the foot of our bed for months, elevated at ~10 degree angle. I was a zombie for months.

  3. I didn't weigh in yesterday, but ticks and chiggers (and anything that burrows under skin (see bot fly)) give me nightmares.

    1. Not related, except for ESPN being involved: we usually have one of the TVs in my department tuned to the 4ltr, though we don't have sound going. Still, on the sidebar, all the upcoming topics are there.

      The Lakers are discussed nonstop. I realize that it's newsworthy that an always-good franchise put together one of the most ludicrous rosters ever and yet they've got a losing record, but in the end, you're spending half of each show talking about a team that isn't even on pace for the playoffs, which really aren't that tough to get to (Timberwolves excepted).

      How long would the Lakers and Yankees have to be bad before ESPN stopped making them the focus of the show?

      1. While I agree that OMFG WHATS WRONG WITH TEH LAKERS could be tiring (although I myself will never tire of it), in interest of fairness, in the 4ltr era, no professional US sports team can hold a candle to the Lakers. In that time, they've won (count 'em) 10 NBA titles. By comparison, the Yankees have won 5 titles. Not only that, but they have also had the following players on their team during that time: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, and Kobe Bryant, all of them being at the very worst top 20 players in the history of the league. Add to those mainstays, they have also had Karl Malone and Gary Payton for a season in a colossal trainwreck and Steve Nash and Dwight Howard in what is shaping up to be another trainwreck. As coaches they have had Pat Riley and Phil Jackson.

        Hate the Lakers all you want, and I hate them like no other team (save one), but if any team has deserved attention it is them.

        Which brings me to my main beef with the 4ltr. How in the hell do the fucking Knicks deserve the attention that they get? Who have they had in the history of the 4ltr? Patrick Ewing and Carmelo Anthony, two flawed "superstars" who would be relative nobodies anywhere else. Zero titles in the 4ltr era. A decade long run of futility, run by a mastermind who somehow didn't get fired over a sexual harassment suit that cost the franchise plenty (what was that exactly? I know it was in the millions.) Yet, somehow if they even sniff the top 8 despite being a half dozen games below .500, we have to hear about their chances for the playoffs. And now that they've pulled themselves out of the gutter because of Mr. Anthony's defecation on the Nuggets franchise, they are now "championship contenders". I predict (a) zero championships for that squad and (b) continuing breathless coverage.

        So yeah, the Lakers 24 hours a day is tiring or can be tiring, but at least it's bumped the Knicks off the headlines.

        1. I should add that a lot of the criticism about LeBron James (aside from "The Decision" brought to you on the 4ltr) was not that he left Cleveland, but that he didn't leave Cleveland for the Knicks.

          I concede your point, spooky, I just wanted to rant about the Knicks a little.

        2. That was an unexpected benefit, yes. It's hilarious that the Knicks are finally winning and getting less coverage because the Lakers are losing.

          When I was young and didn't yet realize how much east coast bias there was, I always wondered why the Knicks commanded so much attention. When a casual fan knows you're focusing on a whole lot of nothing, that's a problem, I think.

              1. It's been a tough season, for sure. I am hoping, though, that the final four left standing are OKC, SAS, CHI, and MIA. I'm over LBJ's "Decision" and I think if Rose is back and it sounds like he will be, that could be a great series. OKC and SAS would be awesome and any combination of those teams in The Finals would be terrific (although I do want to see OKC over the Spurs). I'm hopeful that the end of the playoffs will provide some good ball and I'll just forget about what happened to the hometown five.

            1. Exactly. I am sure that there are Lakers fans in every nook and cranny in the country. Knicks fans, I do not believe cover the same area.

              1. I have a great idea. 4ltr should have Sports Center New York that is sent to their cable subscribers in the City and surrounding areas. The rest of the country could have Sports Center USA, not focused on New York. Win. Win.

      2. ESPN has a West Coast studio (they do the late SportsCenter from there, and I think the Bill Simmons NBA studio stuff) that is literally right across the street from Staples Center.

        Its funny, the Lakers won something like 3 games in a row and suddenly they are on top again.
        when playoff time comes, I am cheering for the Borg..errm.. The Spurs.

    1. My then two-year-old walked under the security rope and onto the fairway behind the bunker Tiger Woods was wedging out of during the 2009 PGAs at Hazeltine. We left before security could catch up with us.

    2. SJU football is great, though. The wife and I almost had the opposite thing happen at a game we were watching from the sidelines. An SJU back was running up the sidelines and got pushed hard out of bounds around the 15 yard line. We had to jump back to avoid getting landed on. There's nothing quite like watching great football that close.

      1. As a h.s. sophomore, I got plowed over in the stands by a varsity player jumping after a loose ball in a basketball game. That was fun.

    1. I love that his mother is referred to as a dancer but his dad is called an amateur soccer player although it says they met while performing in the ballet. It is a little like Happy Gilmore claiming he is a hockey player that plays golf.

  4. did anyone watch The Americans last night? I loved it and I cant get the song 'Tusk' out of my head.

    Tonight, 30 Rock ends. That show is pulling a Costanza and leaving a on a high note.

      1. I think it was a great idea and honest to the show that they all ended up in jail for being dicks, but the idea of bringing back every great major recurring character wasn't as strong as the execution. It basically ended up being a checklist of episodes. I didn't hate it, but that arc could've been about ten episodes long.

    1. I should have The Americans on my DVR. I was going to to go home and watch it last night while I did my school work, but I instead went to sleep immediately. Hopefully tonight. I'm very excited to watch.

  5. remember this guy?

    Jon Krawczynski ‏@APkrawczynski
    Brandon Roy says he had a setback recently w/right knee. Still hopeful to play this season. Just doesn't look good

    1. It's like, "How much more awesome could this be?" And the answer is, "None. None more awesome."

  6. Capps has signed a minor league deal with the Indians, a little more than two years removed from the Twins giving up their number one prospect to get him. That's a sore that just won't heal.

    1. Hopefully, Nats fans will be regretting the more recent trade between the teams just as much. Not because I want Span to suck, but I hope that Meyer will be so good that they'll still regret it.

  7. So DOJ and FTC are blocking a beer merger.

    Is it really bad for the consumers if the price of crappy beer goes up? Or have they asked the question whether it is bad for the public if the price of beer goes up? (If it were cigarettes, the answer would be "no.")

      1. I suppose that a merged company could exercise a small amount of more muscle on distributors and retailers to squeeze competitors off the shelves. But not all that much. These companies already try very hard to slice-and-dice the market with variations on shite. The only way they are really gonna affect the market is by aggressively moving into the super-premium market segment to compete head-to-head with the Sierra Nevadas, Dogfish Heads, Bells, etc. I don't see that happening. They can't even compete very effectively against Sam Adams, and they make oodles of money selling shite macrobrews. Why change?

      1. huh. totally didn't see that. looks like they were posted on right top of each other. i've been busy today, so i just threw something up when i saw nothing had been and bolted. must've been looking for a vid and didn't reload the page before hitting "add new post".

        i don't even like the cure.

        1. Just trying to help out...and give you sh!t a hard time. I saw what happened - it's usually me who doesn't refresh enough to keep up.

    1. Actually, I was thinking about this as I walked in to my office after lunch today. I was trying to think of warm things to take my mind off the -30º wind chills.

    2. I read somewhere yesterday that the regular season starts in 58 days and was a little blown away.

      The WBC starts soon, and I always watch it. I don't have cable this time around, so hopefully MLB.tv has something going...?

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