WGOM Fitness: 2 February 2013, Skating Along

We may have six more weeks of winter left, but WGOM Fitness will endure long beyond that.

Last night, I went to Simply Strength class and I felt pretty good, despite not having had a strength workout in almost 2 weeks (this must be rectified going forward). The guy who leads this class on Friday nights does a lot of the same routines, although truth be told there were new exercises in there last night. Anyway, some moves that I couldn't do before I can now do and that makes me happy.

Today, I don't know what exactly will happen. My absolute favorite spin class instructor has class at 9:30-11:00 and my wife has an event that she's going to this morning. I have to get my daughter to skating by 11:00. Previously, we had her in skating at 11:30, but some other woman wanted her kid to be in my daughter's class (because otherwise her kid didn't want to do skating), so she took it upon herself to move my daughter to 11:00. I told my wife to tell her that that doesn't work for us, but she's unwilling to assert herself in such matters, saving all that assertion for me. Ah yes.

Day 193
Weight: 207.2
Total Loss: 77.3
BMI: 25.55