June 8, 2013: Graduation

Sour Cream jumped off the diving board! In fact, she did it so quickly and fearlessly that I didn't get my camera up in time. Well, next session, I guess.

19 thoughts on “June 8, 2013: Graduation”

  1. My diet goes on hiatus tonight as we go to Fogo de Chao to celebrate my promotion at work!

  2. so my cell phone plan is buy a bunch of minutes and replace them as needed. Its works well for me because I rarely call anyone nor anyone calls me (perhaps I need more friends). Ive had the phone/number for 3+ years now, but I get more phone calls for the person who had the number before than anything. Here is what I gathered on a Mr. Michael Fitzpatrick:

    - He is terrible with money. At least 5 different collection agencies had called and Ive have to explain to them I have no idea who they are looking for
    - Im pretty sure he is a drug dealer because the only texts I have ever received goes something like this 'Fitzy, got a dimebag?'
    - He maybe in some legal trouble because Friday I got a message for a lawfirm saying he needs to call back immediately. I called backed and explained they need a new phone number for ol Fitzy.

    Ive done Google searches trying to figure out where exactly this guy lives and maybe I can get a few bucks for all the phone minutes I have wasted on this dude. I just think he is purposely giving out my number to avoid his mess. Its friggin annoying.

  3. Off to mow the lawn. With all the rain we've had it's grown like crazy. At this point I'm not sure if I should bag the clippings or bale them.

  4. Twins 29th pick, Logan Shore... almost certainly is going to go play college ball at Florida, because he was drafted well below the slot he was aiming for... but he was at my sister's graduation party last night, so that was cool.

      1. Nah, he's only 18, he's gonna make some mistakes.

        I did try to talk my sister into dating him, but she wasn't interested.

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