69 thoughts on “July 9, 2015: Wabun Park”

      1. I did see a black van in my neighborhood this morning with a strange round, red, white and blue logo on it.

  1. I'm fed up enough with the quality of the "coffee" at my place of employment that I'm seriously considering buying a french press and keeping it in the office. Does anyone have any recommendations?

      1. I'm looking at amazon, and have little to no experience french presses. Is there any difference between glass versus aluminum, for example? Are some brands better than others? Are there issues with cheap ones leaking grounds or otherwise having the gasket fail? Are some easier to clean? Are they basically all the same?

        1. I highly recommend a glass model.*

          *full disclosure: I work in the glass industry.

        2. I prefer glass, but it obviously is more fragile (I broke a carafe once when it slipped out of my hand while I was washing it. I'd stay away from anything plastic, but that's just me. With any of the models, you'll probably have some slippage of grounds into the last cup.

          Bodum is the dominant player in the market. This review has some suggestions. But I'm hoping Buffalo will chime in. He's got actual professional experience with coffee.

          1. I have a plastic one (given as a gift) that works well enough, but yeah, I do also prefer glass. Had a Bodum previously (broken) that I really liked.

          2. Dido. My Bodum is quite nice and they have a variety of sizes, but carafe breakage is an issue. I have a plastic one I use for camping which is nice, but out in the woods my coffee standards drop significantly as I am just happy for the jolt of caffeine.

              1. That looks really nice. I'll definitely keep that in mind as a possibility. Thanks for looking this up!

            1. I've got a Bodum glass one I'm perfectly happy with. I break the carafe ever couple of years, but just figure that's the cost of doing business with that sort of thing.

    1. My friend has like a single-serve travel mug French press thing. Not sure exactly the name. I can find out if you want.

        1. To be fair, I was just (good-naturedly) pointing out that we had a stand-alone post, dedicated to a conversation about coffee making, complete with recommendations ... wasn't trying to stifle discussion here.

          1. I did recall that there had been some discussion on this is the past, which is why I brought it up here. I guess a logical thing would have also been to search for it. Oops. Thanks for the link and the recommendations.

      1. Is this where I start making punny fish references, or maybe co-opting songs by a particular artist?

          1. I remember reading a short story as a kid about a minor-league ballplayer who went on a ridiculous hitting streak -- stretching to some 30+ consecutive at-bats, IIRC. I'll have to dig around to see if I can find a reference.

  2. The schedule for Minor Details will be disrupted for the next couple of days. No emergencies, just lots of pastor stuff to do.

  3. I have an extra ticket to the game tomorrow. Anyone want it?* I think it's section 305

    *Fair warning: if you sit next to me, I'll have my giant scorebook.

      1. Ticket has been claimed (by my brother who rearranged his schedule).

        1. That's kind of funny because I am the brother who rearranged his schedule to claim my brother's extra ticket. We're like bizzaro versions of each other at the moment.

  4. I'm sure it slightly helps the Twins, but I'm super bummed about Alex Gordon. On the other hand, Jarrod Dyson is exciting. Inside the parker on a doinker to left field.

    1. Looks like Dyson would not have made it if the shortstop(?) had not dropped the ball.

    2. I'm guessing he'll platoon with Paulo Orlando, who hit a walkoff slam the other day. They'll be an upgrade in speed but a downgrade in defense and power.

  5. Late check/reminder: anyone up for first "WGOM style" Friday lunch in downtown St. Paul tomorrow?

    1. Hrmm I can maybe make it work. Meeting at the escalators or somewhere more specific?

  6. Oy. My boss was invited to leave the organization today. He took their offer as to not be fired, and to cash out his bennifits. Holy fucking shit.

      1. Yeah. It's not done that I'll replace him, and actually that gives me some grief. They're hiring two folks who are good, but one lacks experience and the other is an unknown. There seems to be a prediliction to hire a new boss from the outside, but, man, I put in more than a little effort at keeping shit together while he was being a bad actor. I don't think I deserve promotion by default, but I feel like I've shown my ability to organize etc etc etc. ugh. Not an easy day.

          1. No, he was demoted on April first. They took away his 8 employees and turned him into an administrative assistant. Part ot what chafes is that that dude never actually showed into work and gets to keep his job when my former boss actually did show up to work but was just a terrible, awful manager.

  7. At the start of Thursday’s play, Twins starters had produced quality starts in 22 of their previous 30 tries (73.3 percent). They had gone just 12-10 in those games, however, due in part to offensive struggles and bullpen breakdowns.

    Put another way, the Twins averaged 3.7 runs scored per game over their last 30 games and still managed to go 14-16, which isn't bad. However, expect the Twins' offense to pick up because they have a .731 OPS in that stretch to improve their season OPS to .701 from .685.

    1. May your potential new work environment be civil and professional, not petty and shitty.

  8. Here's a little chart comparing the win totals of all the Target Field seasons and how this year is stacking up win-wise (as of right now with a record of 46-39). I'm not sure what to think about how easy it looks to pass the last four years. I suppose the sunny side way of thinking is that this year's team is doing pretty good, rather than dwell on how back the 2011-14 teams were.

    Year Wins Wins Needed to tie WP Rest of Way
    2010 94 48 0.623
    2011 63 17 0.221
    2012 66 20 0.260
    2013 66 20 0.260
    2014 70 24 0.312
  9. Got a letter today from enterprise out in the UK saying they are going to change me 970 pounds for damage to the rental car i had last month. When i dropped it off they said i had zero excess insurance do i wouldn't owe anything. So yeah, this should be fun.

      1. It was on the rental agreement. I had thought the whole thing was pretty cut and dry, but apparently in England they tell you something and then mail you the other thing when you're out of the country.

          1. It was just the hatch and a bit of the plastic bumper cover. I'd be pretty pissed if they tried to pull an exception on that. I commitment get a hold of anyone today, though, so I have all weekend to stew over it.

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