23 thoughts on “March 22, 2016: Bad Sleep Habits”

  1. Anyone have experience with workers comp? I apparently sheared off a portion of either my femur or my kneecap when stepping off a ladder at the end of the year. I'm just now getting to see an orthopedist, and he tells me that I have a gumball sized free floater hanging out in my joint. Might take several more weeks to get it cleaned out because paper work. uff da.

      1. Youbetcha I reported. Felt like getting stabbed in the knee. Turns out I was being stabbed in the knee.

    1. I utilized it back in 2000 while working for Target. I was diagnosed with a hernia, and we guessed that it might have been from all the heavy lifting I was doing in the stock room. Even though I couldn't point to a specific event or even week that I might have injured it, Target rolled over as fast as they could and approved it.

      1. I was at Menards last night and turns out they have 4-packs of Pomegranate Rip-It. I've done my best to cut out energy drinks, but the sleep patterns at home have trended towards --> none lately. I didn't know Pomegranate Rip-It was a thing, but I love pomegranate flavored things. Turns out it's not bad.

    1. I sure would have enjoyed that. Airplane wifi is expensive, and all I want it for is to ID all the features beneath me with Google Maps.
      But maybe that would take the mystery out of it...

    1. Also in that article :
      The 6-4, switch-hitting Goodrum added 32 pounds of muscle to his frame this winter; he now weighs 225...

      So, he added 32 pounds of muscle in under five months?

      1. I added 20 pounds of pure muscle (body fat changed 0.1%) in 6 months during the ill-fated USA Bobsled phase. I can imagine someone with actual professionals helping him could do a little better.

      2. Lean body mass is probably more accurate than muscle mass. For a young guy with good genetics, not impossible. Easier with steroids, but not impossible without.

  2. If anyone's curious, I put my bird photos from my South Carolina trip up on fb, and made it public so you can see it even if you're Pepper or Meat. There's a few herps, echinoderms, and arthropods scattered through the album, if you're into that. (Rhuru?)

    And here's my "note" with the year's birds-seen-to-date on it. Go down to the bottom for a list of all the new birds I saw on the trip.

    1. Biggest miss of the trip was White Ibis. The first morning, I went one way on the beach with AJR to look at shorebirds and terns where I had already looked at them, and HPR went the other way, towards the pier. He saw them then and I did not. I assumed seeing them again would be easy, as they're quite common. I guess not.

      Other misses were more understandable as I didn't spend much time looking at the saltmarshes (it was a family vacation with birds, not a bird vacation with family): Clapper Rail, Common Gallinule, Mottled Duck.
      Others that were more understandable as I also didn't spend much time inland: Loggerhead Shrike, White-eyed Vireo, Yellow-throated Warbler.

      I basically cleaned up the expected sandpipers. The most likely ones I missed were Least Sandpiper (which is the only coastal sandpiper I'd seen before), and the endangered Piping Plover.

  3. Just finished Footnote 24. of I.J. James O. Incandenza: A Filmography.

    Love the I.J. Self reference.

    Untitled. Unfinished. UNRELEASED.

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