July 3, 2016: A corpse gazed back at me

"From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me. The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me."
--Elie Wiesel, Night

18 thoughts on “July 3, 2016: A corpse gazed back at me”

    1. trying to figure out how they are doing a 9-man bullpen AND bringing back Rosario....

    2. The thing is, it would not surprise me at all to learn that Jepsen has been pitching hurt all year, and if after taking a few weeks to heal he comes back to help somebody during the pennant race.

  1. Daughter's best friend was in a four-wheeler accident yesterday. Airlifted from the site to Children's. Surgery (abdominal trauma) with 30 staff in the OR. Today she is not even in ICU and we are hopeful the worst is past.

    Her sister was also in the accident and has a broken wrist and concussion. Her sister is our other daughter's best friend.

    These are next-door neighbors and basically part of our family. If you're able to keep the girls and their family in your thoughts I'd appreciate it!

  2. I successfully installed solid piping for the dryer today, and I only got cut one!

  3. What's worse than doing home repairs? Doing home repairs to a rental on a holiday weekend, and knowing that you're leaving this rental in less than 2 months. Blarf.

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