The Angels mind as well be called the Twins of the West. FIVE former Twins are on the roster: Ben Revere, Shane Robinson, Ricky Nolasco, Alex Meyer, and Delios Guerra. And you know what, there is not a lot of hand wringing and blog columns upset over not having those players. Ok, maybe Alex Meyer because the Twins have no pitching right now. There will be no "David Ortiz should still be a Twin" column for any of those players.
Kyle "Im surprised he is still a Twin and not with the Angels" Gibson on the mound for the locals, JC "not Romero" Ramirez for the Angels.
Wouldn't take too much zoom on that pic of the Big A to see the giant sphinx moths that used to dive bomb the upper deck fans. Much as I like moths, I wouldn't have minded having a handball racquet at one of those games.
What the heck --- here's a photo for Spoons:

I think that is a bird.
Joe's catching up to Pujols!
Gibson will do his part.
Well, he missed out on his first AB, and no telling how many times Kyle goes through the lineup...
Aw man, I missed a Mauer home run
Meanwhile, in the other LA team...
Greetings from Section 410. We actually have a lead,
oh my MAX!!!!
the sound of the ball coming off the bat was beautiful.
I like baseball
Random: Danny Santana is 4-34 since being traded to the Braves. All 4 hits are extra base hits (3 doubles and a triple)
Home Run Derby
(and we're winning)
KKKKyle Gibson.
So, the not racist and good kyle showed up tonight?
I feel a Sano HR coming
Broken bat RBI single is close enough.
With all the pitchers the Twins have rotated up from the minors this year, I'm not keeping up too well; who's this guy pitching tonight?
Johan Gibson
oof, pujous running to 1st looks ugly.
On the play to end the eighth, Sano dove to catch the ball, then bounced up, ready to fire to first, only to see that Pujols was about halfway down the line.
good job defense!
I was sure that third out was a double, and Buxton didn't even have to stretch much.
It was shocking to see him run live. He makes it look like he is playing on a Little League field.
Good, good inning by Wimmers.
I'd like him to succeed.
That slider of Rosario's does indeed look nasty.
Gibby has lowered his ERA tonight to a respectable 7.23
Yes but not completing 6 innings tonight was just unacceptable. I was so pissed at him.
We're still on track for 139-23!
And still in first place!
I fell asleep before the Twins went on that late inning run explosion, but see Joe Mauer finished with 4 hits! He is now slashing .294/.368/.424/.792
I'm listening to the radio broadcast of last night's game, since I don't stay up that late. Gladden just told a story about how TK would tell Twins pitchers to hit Rickey Henderson in the legs to take away his speed. Now, I enjoy hearing old ballplayers spin their yarns, but in 866 plate appearances against the Twins, Henderson was hit by a pitch a grand total of three times. If Twins pitchers were throwing at him, they sure weren't very good at it.
Maybe TK told them to do it just three times!