24 thoughts on “January 6, 2020: Dang It”

  1. Did anybody catch the Golden Globes? I'd usually have no interest but Ricky Gervais was on fire! (And he's right about his good After Life was.)

    1. I watched a clip of the monologue and enjoyed it, but nothing else. He was definitely not pulling his punches.

      1. I appreciate comedians not pulling their punches. It reminded me somewhat of Colbert's Media Correspondent's Dinner monologue in that way.

      1. News story today says Crystal, MN. I saw this today while I was sitting in with a Canadian Pacific rep. I'm reasonably sure it's the CP Paynesville subdivision that runs right past our office.

        1. Crystal? If there is a better photo of the houses then I may have regularly crossed these tracks for school.

            1. Quite a few thanks to school mergers and hijinks later but at this point it was Cooper. That's in New Hope but we lived right across the border. Until I drove, I crossed the train tracks after walking the length of Sunnyside Park.

              I doubt it was exactly here and instead the photo is from farther north when it crosses Crystal.

                1. I only attended two school years, ending in '03. I forgot to get the prior year's yearbook so can only see any overlap from '03.

                  1. My wife was class of '00. She mentioned a guy in her grade with your last name. Do you have an older brother?

    1. What's all this nonsense with lights and encrypted random-number generator sequences?? If they don't want the Astros thing to happen again, then punish the Astros. Heavily. Start at the top.

    2. I don't hate the light scheme, but it is convoluted. I still think greater use of wristbands for codes could be useful.

      1. I like the idea of a runner being able to steal signs if the battery is clumsy enough to let it happen. I don't really want to lose that.

        Any technology-assisted chicanery just needs to be let with heavy punishment.

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